Katherine R Guest


I got a quicky for you guys...

I am flying an Airbus and there are 2 buttons on the autopilot I am not sure what they actually do:

The first button I am unsure about is under the Autothrottle switch and says TOGA on it? Any ideas??

Also, another button says ATT on it. I thought at first this was the autothrottle but then there is a seperate switch for the autothrottle elsewhere on the autopilot (the one with the SPD or MACH selector)?

thanks for your help,


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spuddi Guest

toga stands for Take Off /Go Around. its basically calling for full power.

i'm not sure about the ATT as I am not on my sim PC. which airbus panel are you using? the PSS a340 one or a download?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Manuel Agustin Clausse (Agus0404) Chief Captain

TOGA is Take Off/Go Around, as Spuddi stated. It is used when you want to take off and the runway is too short or if you're too heavy you can use it too so that the engines produce max thrust. Also, it is used when you have to perform a go-around, so that again the engines produce max thrust and you can easily gain altitude.

ATT means Autothrottle. SPD and MACH are not Autothrottles. SPD means Speed Hold, which means that the aircraft holds the current speed or the speed that you set on the Autopilot. MACH means Mach Hold, which means that the aircraft holds your current mach speed or the mach speed set in the Autopilot.

You never have to fly the entire flight with SPD on. There's a certain altitude that varies between different countries which is called the Mach Transition Altitude, I believe. When you get to that altitude you switch to MACH Hold.

I hope this helps 😉

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

TO/GA is Take off Go Around mode. I always use it during takeoff to give my engines their TO thrust. In the PMDG 737 i use it always during takeoff because you can give the engines different TO settings based on your load and the elevation. I i dont use the TOGA then i dont get the right ammount of TO thrust needed.

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