Safety flights & money earning...-OT-

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

Do you think retrechments of the aviation companies affects safety of flights?

I have heard from a decent source of an aviation company a horrible scenario which is totally unhuman but if we watch it from marketing side seems to be logic 😕 😕 😕 .

This scenario is that some aviation companies earn a lot of money by decreasing the hours(and the staff) off ground mechanics.And the terrible of this scenery is that the money they win is more than the money they spend for heart balm to the familys of the victims in case of an accident.Thats why they calculate it and decided to procced it.We all know that aeroplanes is the safest way of moving.The frequence that an accident happens is less than cars,trains or ships but the horrible of a craft crash is more than all the others (maybe trains is closest)and thats why such an accident is attractive to the media 😕 😕 😕

This scenario is totally unhuman and i will never want to believe it but also it generates a big question.Did money always must be over human?Isn it a litle bit self-conceited?

Im open to any corrections if the person who told me this is wrong(and i wish it....)

I want to please anyone who will have the kindness to post a reply to not write aviation companies names.This is not the purpose of this post.Im not offensive to these companies but im offensive to anything desrespect human lives. ❗ ❗ ❗

Have a good month all of you. 😂


Last edited by Greekman72 on Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total

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Pro Member First Officer
SoCalRick First Officer

Yes, such corporate behavior is horrid. It reminds me of the car company that was using defective tires which resulted in deaths to it's customers. Now I won't say which company knew what, but I will say that many lives could have been spared, except that the greedy people in charge calculated that it would be cheaper to settle wrongful death suits.

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