
pearlygatesuk Guest

I know this may seem like a really obvious question. But I've just d/l the demo version of FSPassengers to see what it worked like.

Now the whole idea of the add on is to get a simulated experience with passengers. According to the demo there's 107 passengers waiting at the gate. The obvious question to ask is, why the heck arent they getting on the plane? What do I have to do to get them on the plane???

Thanks Peops

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Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

Open the doors (Ctrl+E)

pearly gates Guest

Yep - tried that, didnt work.

Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

Drop by there support forum
support forum

Pro Member First Officer
coolsan First Officer

After you start FS Passengers, on the main window where it says x number of passengers are waiting at the gate look to your right and you'll see a couple of sliding bars.....move them to your right to set the number of passengers and cargo that will be on your plane. Then hit real time load and open the door or instant load and all of the passengers will be on the plane.

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

coolsan is right again
Dont forget to close the doors or you will upset the co-pilot

Pro Member First Officer
jelami First Officer

AND the parking brake must be on.

Pro Member First Officer
jelami First Officer

So i have been gaining points and customer satisfaction (91%) and am about to graduate to twin engine planes. Then today, shortly after takeoff at about 1500 ft there was a loud noise, and the engine in my Beach just died. As did all five passengers and myself. The FAA concluded that I hit a bird shortly after take off, causing the engine to shut down. They also said that i did not declare an emergency.....if i were alive, I would protest that as I am sure that the tower heard me screaming all sorts of things on the way down. Fear
Yes, I will be starting over

Pro Member Trainee
Pitt Trainee

pearlygatesuk wrote:

I know this may seem like a really obvious question. But I've just d/l the demo version of FSPassengers to see what it worked like.

Now the whole idea of the add on is to get a simulated experience with passengers. According to the demo there's 107 passengers waiting at the gate. The obvious question to ask is, why the heck arent they getting on the plane? What do I have to do to get them on the plane???

Thanks Peops

Edit by Radar

Pro Member First Officer
coolsan First Officer

It's a dishonest, unlawful and corrupt action to offer fs passengers as re-sale for a cheaper price. Software developers spend long hours working on their programs and deserve our recognition.....money wise or otherwise.
There are tons of freeware add-ons if you don't feel like paying, but please be respectful of others and help maintain our forum standards high.

Pro Member First Officer
Kurt Stevens (KurtPStevens) First Officer

Bird strike. That blows Jelami! I have only had a engine fail on short final so far (still pulled off a kiss landing though 😀 ). How many hours did you have on the pilot when he "assumed room temperature"? I have 35 right now and a feathery death might cause me to drink a little Evil or Very Mad .

Pro Member First Officer
jelami First Officer

He He, 🍻 I had couple after that too. I was at 23+ hours when the unfortunate event took place. No word on whether or not the bird made it. I'm thinking about mounting a couple 50 Cal. on the wings to clear the way.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

It'd be a good idea Jelami! I've never hit a bird, but I did get into some nasty wind conditions coming out of KGRR, the passengers did NOT like the 2.5G's the wind put on them on rotation 😳

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