Purple textures??

pilot12345 Guest

On several aircraft i have installed textures appear with a purple tint. For example, on a canadian A320 the engine and top of fuselage appear purple, when quite obviously they shouldnt be. However, from different angles they appear in the correct colours, Does anyone know whats going on??

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Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

The purple colour is found on aircraft from ifdg

There are some fix's for certain aircraft otherwise try adjusting your mip settings

Try the ifdg forum 1st ➡

scroll about 1/2 way down

IFDG (Now closed)forum/index.php?showtopic=667

Pro Member Trainee
boomshiko Trainee

Have you got the latest driver for your videocard?

Pro Member First Officer
George (OrlandoGeorge) First Officer

Yes, I can relate to your problem/issue with certain texture colors being somewhat different. Lately here I picked up an aircraft that had black markings instead of the green ones as advertised. -Going way deep into the files is often times to much for me as I sometimes will forget where the heck I am and lose track. File names start running together in my mind as they are somewhat the same less a number or letter! Wonder if anyone can relate to that one?? Well, -Good luck with the fix. If you locate a solution, let us know how you did it? -OG.

BTW, I also need to get the latest driver for my videocard but am scared to death to do it because I hear that all kinds of things have to be backed up and such?

Freeport Approach.

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