Hi Folks,
I'm in the process of transferring Data from my old computer to my new one.
Is it possible to simply copy different file formats, documents, word documents, folders, zip.folders AND " Folders Within Folders" onto CD-R media?
My intention is to dump all the copied data onto the HDD of my new computer and THEN sort out the mess.
If I proceed in the outlined manner, will the copied data display correctly on my new system? Will I be able to unzip/extract the .zip files?
I've never backed up any of my FS-Downloads - there all still on my old HDD/Computer.
I'm also considering to export FS9 Aircraft - Sound - Panel - Effects and Gauges folders to the new location by simply overwriting. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance for any pointer in the right direction
Rick 🙂
I did something like that when DELL screwed up my computer. (I've told all you guys about my mouse problem 🙄 ) They sent us a new hard drive and we had to do the transferring. We plugged the new hard drive in as a master and the old hard one in as a slave. It was complicated, anyways, I did have some zipped files that I was able to unzip succesfully. That wasn't a problem but there were a few programs that I had to re-install or download like ad-ware. (it kept saying the program failed to initialize) So, do what you can and find out what you do have to re d/load and go with it from there. It was only certain programs, no documents were effected. (luckily FS was ok 😀 )
Oh yeah,
I've never backed up any of my FS-Downloads - there all still on my old HDD/Computer.
All that should coppy correctl to.
I'm assuming your new puter is already set with an OS. I would install any programs so that the registry will be right. As far as documents and files yes you can transfer them. I prefer to save files on CD-RW disks, not CDR disks. Rewritable disks work just like a drive in that you format them and can add files or delete files from them. CDR disks you can only write to once and then they are read only.
When I download a file for FS9 I save it to CD, I can unzip it from there and install it and if the computer crashes I still have the files.
Taking FS9 as an example, once you have installed the program you should be able to transfer modified files as long as you place them in the proper folder. The computer will probably ask if you want to overwrite certain files, just like when you install a download.
I missed the whole point. I thought he was upgrading not getting a new computer.
When I download a file for FS9 I save it to CD, I can unzip it from there and install it and if the computer crashes I still have the files.
Mines way to big to do that. Mine is 27.2 Gigabytes. 😳 I backed up mine one time, I had to zip it and put it on 2 DVDs. Because Cds were not big enough. The DVDs work if I put them in the write drive. I can transfer files off of them.
mypilot wrote:
I missed the whole point. I thought he was upgrading not getting a new computer.
Mines way to big to do that. Mine is 27.2 Gigabytes. 😳 I backed up mine one time, I had to zip it and put it on 2 DVDs. Because Cds were not big enough. The DVDs work if I put them in the write drive. I can transfer files off of them.
If he was just installing a new hard drive he could just format the new hard drive, do the sysC: thing and copy everything over to it from the old one. With an OS installed I think he will have to install the programs first and then copy files. If he doesn't install the programs I don't think the registry will be right.
The easiest option if he knows how to install the old hard drive in his computer would be to do that and just transfer what ever files (not programs) he wants to transfer, but that would require he knows how to install the old hard drive as a secondary drive.
The safest alterantive is to copy them to CD or DVD and then copy them to his new computer.
This will tell you how to transfer from one computer to another.
RadarMan wrote:
This will tell you how to transfer from one computer to another.
If he has both computers online or networked together that will work.
I agriee with Warhawk that the best and safest way of a back-up is copying the data to CD or DVD.Im using another way.I have two more hard drives 200gb each one.The one is plug in my system as slave and the other is portable(USB) and once a month i back up my system to both... 😳 This provides some safe in case of some of them crash...Of course if both has a failure things gonna be difficult but the chances are small. ❗
apologies for my late response to your helpful explanations - electrical storms in the atmosphere and somewhat smaller brainstorms in my head.
I have considered each contributors advice thoroughly and have decided to opt for the simplest solution.
If you look at the specs of my mobo http://au.asus.com/products4.aspx?l1=3&l2=15&l3=0&model=375&modelmenu=1 you will see that most if not all of your suggestions are indeed within the scope of the board and the necessary hardware. Sadly, often overlooked is the fact that it also requires a certain amount of know-how which I am badly lacking.
Radarman I have also studied the link you provided, it appears that it's concern was mainly about settings and the like which are not important to me. My intention is really to start from a clean slate and avoiding to import some of those nasties you know are somewhere on your old HDD but you just can't find them, let alone get rid of them.
Warhawk I think you have a pretty good idea of what I want to do. I've never used CD-RW disks in the past because all I ever did was back up my private audio collection or occasionally make compilation audio CDs. I appreciate the way you save your FS downloads straight to CD-RW though I doubt that this method would be suitable for me as I have too many downloads and for archiving and searching for a file I find it practical to keep everything on my HDD. No doubt you have another trick up your sleeve which I hope you will share with me when the time is right.
Yes I have installed a new OS and my essential programs and applications and am satisfied with that part of the procedure.
Nope, not networked plus I seem to have problems with my USB 2.0 connections.
Greekman your suggestions make complete sense even to me because I did a thorough study before I decided which motherboard to get - check out the link I'm supplying with this post, but alas I am not accomplished at all on the practical side of it all. So great was my disappointment after the first few setbacks, that I settled for a rather minimalistic endproduct for which the choice of this motherboard could only be classified as an overkill.
At this stage I still have two or three issues I'm struggling with.
The little brainstorm I had earlier on basically solved the current issue. I burned a disk with a variety of file formats and folders using NERO (the mixed data otion), then dumped the whole lot back onto the same HDD where I had just copied it from (a separate folder of course) and opened, unzipped and perused - and thankfully everything was there and in pristine condition at that. So... it works - and tomorrow I've got a lot of burning to do.
As I said, a couple of minor issues remain and you'll hear me yelling out for help and I can only hope that you all will be coming to my aid as you just did.
In the meantime I wanna thank you all for your efforts and concerns, kind regards
Rick 😀
Its a pleasure for all of us helping you Tailhook so there is no point thinking of it.We all have something new to learn (or search) in order to help, from such kind of topics. 😀
I would like to add some comments more.
I could suggest burn some DVDs instead of CDs(If of course you have a DVD burner)cause 1 DVD is about 6 CDs.You earn time and space.
The best of course(in my opinion) is to think of getting a double layer DVD-RW(except you already have one) so you can burn DVD with about 8gb capacity(that means the you have the capacity of an ancient HDD in a disk or about 12cds in one).The dual layer discs is more expensive than the usual ones cause they are new in market but they getting cheaper day by day.
Friendly 😉
Yassou, (that,s probably misspelled,sorry, don't have a greek dictionary)
I'm on the ball, Greekman - problem is that my old (current) machine has only a CD-burner.
MY new machine has a DL-DVD-burner... so you see I'm climbing up the stairs which is more difficult than climbing down the stairs 😳
Gee' I hope that makes sense. I've had yet another turbulent day in my head.
BTW, I've been to Athens several times and for some reason always ended up in Pyraeus and loved it. Too much Retsina 😀
Efcharisto, Yassou
The spelling is great but your purpose was perfect and soulful
Well i hope next time that luck brings you here in Athens i would gludly show you our way of living and hospitality. 😉 😉 😉
H ευχαριστηση ειναι δικη μου. 😀
(The pleasure is mine.) 😉
One thing you need to keep clear of is DELL's "Transfer MyPC" software - I speak from bitter experience!!
Tailhook wrote:
The little brainstorm I had earlier on basically solved the current issue. I burned a disk with a variety of file formats and folders using NERO (the mixed data otion), then dumped the whole lot back onto the same HDD where I had just copied it from (a separate folder of course) and opened, unzipped and perused - and thankfully everything was there and in pristine condition at that. So... it works - and tomorrow I've got a lot of burning to do.
Just for you information. I have used NERO and you should have a program called INCD, that is the NERO program for formatting CDRW disks. That does install separately from the burner software you may or may not have installed it.
I'm just giving you that information in the event you might want to explore that option.
Correct me if im wrong but the INCD option,i think, that helps to create a cd with ''drug and drop'' OR ''copy-paste'' method.You double click on the CD-drive and in the empty cd you can drug and drop or copy paste your data or music files.If you put a CD-RW or a DVD-RW which is already written NERO always warn that this is not empty and asks if we want to format it.Its also includes an option on the adds menu(on Nero based menu) that gives you the chance to format you CD-RW or your DVD-RW.IN-CD is also a utilitie that runs in start up by default(unless if you dont choose to install it when you install the Nero package.)
Im open to corrections. 😀
There may be later versions of INCD than I have but the one I have if you put a new RW cd in it will alert you it needs to be formatted. Once formatted you can drag and drop, copy and paste, download to, delete unwanted files, just about anything you would do with your hard drive.
The file I sent to a couple of the members the other day I added as an attachment straight from the CD.
It works just the same. The one thing I haven't tried and don't know if it will do is defrag, other than that there is little difference between the CDRW and the hard drive other than it's slower. The advantage is if the puter crashes I still have the files.
WarHawk42 wrote:
The one thing I haven't tried and don't know if it will do is defrag, other than that there is little difference between the CDRW and the hard drive other than it's slower.
I think that we agriee about INCD usage dear Warhawk. 🙂
Although you put an interesting task for me.Defrag...hmmm Im gonna search for it when im back to home from my office(I dont have CDRW here.)Although as a first thought is that defragment is an option that based on the magnetic-unmagnetic abilitie of the hard drive.The way of data copy as you very right state is different between HD and CDR The one based on burning and the other on magnetism.I think that when we format a cd in simple words we flating(with burning again) its surface from previous data.
Thanks for this interesting discussion.
Gentlemen I want to thank you all for your input,
verygom wrote:
"One thing you need to keep clear of is DELL's "Transfer MyPC" software - I speak from bitter experience!!"
Probably the only mistake I haven't made so far is buying a DELL. This is not meant to belittle the quality of the product or discourage it's users. In fact in most offices around "El Dorado Town" I notice a strong presence of DELL networks. DELL has a very good reputation regarding tech. support, a rather fair warranty policy, fair pricing, reliable product and easy purchase via mail. So these are all positive points for office setups or moderate usage at home. The problem are the "propriety"-parts (I think that's what they're called), meaning that if you want to add memory modules for example, you have to buy DELL parts because others won't be compatible. So this pushes us into a bottleneck situation from the very beginning. My first ever computer was a Compaq Presario (prior to the merger with HP) which used a Cyrrux microprocessor and Edo RAM. Just to upgrade the memory became a very costly affair and the modules had to be shipped from the other side of the globe. The Compaq line of computers also came with a lot of useless software already installed and hard if not impossible to get rid of.
I assume that the "Transfer MyPC" software you refer to would fall into a similar category. Another point of concern would be the enclosures which (at least from the outside) don't look as though you have enough space inside compared to other, freely available cases. Thanks for the warning nevertheless - it's better to be cautious.-
WarHawk42 wrote:
"Just for you information. I have used NERO and you should have a program called INCD, that is the NERO program for formatting CDRW disks. That does install separately from the burner software you may or may not have installed it.
I'm just giving you that information in the event you might want to explore that option."
Right on time Warhawk as I've been wondering what this INCD thing was all about - that's why I haven't installed it yet. My approach, rightly or wrongly is basically to avoid installing any piece of software that I don't really need. The NERO range though seems pretty decent all around. Today I managed to burn all my files on CD-R using the NERO suite and was quite surprised to discover how flexible and easy to use the program really is. I used 20 disks in total and as I'm migrating all files to my new machine tomorrow and only have a few blanks left, there'll be no more buying of CD-Rs. - Promise.
As my new machine has a DVD-RW DL burner, backups and transfers will be much easier and RW disks will be a better option too. Bundled with the drive came a more recent version of the NERO suite as well (v.3) with all kinds of goodies on it, including INCD.
Greekman72 wrote:
"Correct me if im wrong but the INCD option,i think, that helps to create a cd with ''drug and drop'' OR ''copy-paste'' method.You double click on the CD-drive and in the empty cd you can drug and drop or copy paste your data or music files.If you put a CD-RW or a DVD-RW which is already written NERO always warn that this is not empty and asks if we want to format it.Its also includes an option on the adds menu(on Nero based menu) that gives you the chance to format you CD-RW or your DVD-RW.IN-CD is also a utilitie that runs in start up by default(unless if you dont choose to install it when you install the Nero package.)"
Firstly Greekman, if I understand you correctly, the "drag and drop" method (though I admit I really like your idea of "drug and drop" - reminds me of the wild old days) as well as the copy/paste method are also available in NERO StartSmart. I used both methods today depending on how many file/folder names I had to fit inside the window.
I appreciate you pointing out the choice of having it running or not in startup during installation - I assure you, I'll be looking out for that. I try not to run anything in the background that's not absolutely necessary while practicing my disasterous approaches and landings in FS. BTW, not only is Greek hospitality legendary, I have had ample opportunities in the past to enjoy it. Eating, drinking, dancing, and singing - you Greeks are the Masters in the art of celebrating live!
And I love the way you keep smashing those dinner plates... but just why you do it, nobody has been able to explain to me yet. Oh yes and the "drug and drop" ... WOW - I'll have to think about that one for a while.
Greetings and many thanks to all of you Gentlemen,
🍻 Rick
Tailhook wrote:
BTW, not only is Greek hospitality legendary, I have had ample opportunities in the past to enjoy it. Eating, drinking, dancing, and singing - you Greeks are the Masters in the art of celebrating live!
And I love the way you keep smashing those dinner plates... but just why you do it, nobody has been able to explain to me yet. Oh yes and the "drug and drop" ... WOW - I'll have to think about that one for a while.Greetings and many thanks to all of you Gentlemen,
🍻 Rick
LooooL 😂 😂 😂
Im sure that i ll be accused for turning this full of knowledge topic to an off topic one....but its ok....i take the responsibilitie...
Well the smashing of plates...Its a small story...It has to do with the wedding parties that set ups after the mystery of marriage and has its roots in the ancient Greece....It is said that when the couple dance in order to avoid the bad and jealus eyes must smash a plate so the noise send away the bad spirits...The only thing we made in ourdays is to extend this consuetude in any kind of celebretion and of course to Greek music clubs(mpouzoukia)...
And we extend also the number of plates we smash....In past they were few...in present they are tones...
Although i must notice that the last 10-15 years smashing is forbidden in big music clubs for some obvious reasons...first injuries 🍅 and second tones of carbages and time to clean up...Here i must said that the latest years before this consuetude being forbidden some clever owners of music clubs has other plates for smashing(plaster ones)than those they use to serve us.That was more money earnig cause this kind of plates cost cheaper and they were also....recycling... ❗
Although yu can find some clubs that continue keeping it alive but they are very small in number.
Of course in our houses when we celebrate we use to smash our own plates and make our mothers and wives freaking out
In some other places of my country and especially in Crete they are not only smash but they have guns and shoot in the air(not always unfortunately....)in order to celebrate.... 😂
Maybe we are the inventors of drug and drop(drug the plates from table and drop them down)
Its a way to externalize our emotions...Yes i know we seem like crazy and maybe we are....Who cares... 😉
That custom isn't all that different than toasting with champagne and throwing the glass's in the fireplace.🙂
Yes, once installed INCD runs in the background, it does more than just format the CDRW, it is the program that handles all the functions of the CDRW disk.
If you are running WindowsXP it has it's own program to handle CDRW disks. I actually liked INCD better but they seem to want to fight over who is going to handle the job, so I am now using the XP program.
WarHawk42 wrote:
That custom isn't all that different than toasting with champagne and throwing the glass's in the fireplace.🙂
Yes, once installed INCD runs in the background, it does more than just format the CDRW, it is the program that handles all the functions of the CDRW disk.
If you are running WindowsXP it has it's own program to handle CDRW disks. I actually liked INCD better but they seem to want to fight over who is going to handle the job, so I am now using the XP program.
The bad spirits are all over the world...The only difference is the way we fight them... 😉
Im also using the XP default program.
Greekman72 wrote:
WarHawk42 wrote:
That custom isn't all that different than toasting with champagne and throwing the glass's in the fireplace.🙂
Yes, once installed INCD runs in the background, it does more than just format the CDRW, it is the program that handles all the functions of the CDRW disk.
If you are running WindowsXP it has it's own program to handle CDRW disks. I actually liked INCD better but they seem to want to fight over who is going to handle the job, so I am now using the XP program.
The bad spirits are all over the world...The only difference is the way we fight them... 😉
Im also using the XP default program.
Are you saying you fight the bad spirits with the XP default program?
It's a strange world you know... The only spirits that I have ever come in contact with were rather pleasant 🍻 ...in a certain way and it never even occured to me to fight them
Tailhook wrote:
Are you saying you fight the bad spirits with the XP default program?
LoooL 😂 😂 😂
Noooo i just answer to both states of dear WarHawk with a(i admit)missunderstanding way.I apologise.
Although i didnt thought of XP as spirit fighter... 😉 Thanks for giving me this idea... 😉 😀
Tailhook wrote:
Are you saying you fight the bad spirits with the XP default program?
Someone has to say it, it might as well be me. XP is the bad spirits that we must fight.
WarHawk42 wrote:
Tailhook wrote:
Are you saying you fight the bad spirits with the XP default program?
Someone has to say it, it might as well be me. XP is the bad spirits that we must fight.
Very well said... 😉
WarHawk42 wrote:
Tailhook wrote:
Are you saying you fight the bad spirits with the XP default program?
Someone has to say it, it might as well be me. XP is the bad spirits that we must fight.
All of this is getting a bit spooky, guys ...now you've got me looking over my shoulder and just how do you Gents think I'm gonna manage to fall asleep when I finally hit the sack???
Greekman I hope you're not taking my play with words too seriously - you're English is excellent but obviously there's going to be the occasional amusing phrase you'll be using and English being what it is, there are so many expressions, idioms and colloquialisms that can be used and twisted and played around with that it can become an obsessive hobby just like flight simming... sorry, I'll take that back that's almost a sacrilege. What I'd really like to know, though... have you found out the difference between "drug and drop" and "drag and drop" yet ❓
BTW I finished transferring all my data today, everything went smooth and my system seems to be stable so far. Haven't updated my VGA drivers yet - I'd like to see whether Insight comes up with a solution, he seems to have run into trouble with his drivers. Tomorrow I'll be packing my old computer and keep it for emergencies only,hopefully.
The unresolved issues I've been able to narrow down to 2(two) now. I'll be starting a new Topic for that and I really hope you guys will come to the party.
Rick 😀
Party? Where? Greekman will bring the plates and I will bring the champagne glass's. We will have a breaking good time. 🍻
Who is going to 'Flyers Club' tonight - see in flight forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WarHawk42 wrote:
Party? Where? Greekman will bring the plates and I will bring the champagne glass's. We will have a breaking good time. 🍻
PARTY??? I gotta remember that word - it could serve as a trigger for all kinds of mayhem
If you bring the champagne glasses and Greekman the plates then we obviously won't be eating or drinking anything - I suppose I'll be the one left to be cleaning up the mess
What can i say ...There are such a lot of things to say for the former posts so i dont know from where i must start...
Well i ll give a try..First of all some explanations...TailHook you dont have to worrie about anything i take your words excactly as you like to take them 😂 😉
As about the spirits beside you...hmmm we must leave a litle on the edge in order to smash routine...fear make adrenaline runs in big doses...so give a try to spend a litle time with it......Bouhahaahahaha
As about the party you dont have to worrie ,too, cause my plates gonna be full of delicatessens....So think of bringing something else.... 😉There is a compination of three things in order a party have success...I and Warhawk will bring the two...there is one more remaining....
As about cleaning i respect your offer to do it so i wont be a volunteer... 😉
As about the dra(u)g and drop issue....i could guess the difference but i wont explain it here....it is and will be
😉 😉 😉
Cheers 🍻 in advance guys.... 👍
Now you got me thinking Greekman
I better sleep on it
I'm not looking forward to the kind of ghostly nightmares which are bound to be in store for me 😳
🙂) 👍
Have sweet dreams empty of nightmares...
SteveT wrote:
Who is going to 'Flyers Club' tonight - see in flight forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Steve...Please try to keep your posts for your nice idea to Inflight forum.Maybe some guys being a litle disturbed or maybe a moderator will delete them so you wont have success to your purpose... 😉
Try to keep it low in order to have success..sometimes the method of bombardism is not the best choice and have the opposite results than these you excpecting for...Im not sarcastic or heronic to you...I only advice you in friendly mode. 😉
I ensure you that most of us check all the new posts in all the forums so you dont have to be afraid that we will miss yours.
Friendly 🙂
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