This was absolutely incredible! The thrill you get as you grit your teeth during the last few seconds above the runway, knowing the minute you touch down there's gonna be a cloud of sparks and the screech of metal against pavement is priceless. FsP was entirely worth it JUST for this one incident!
Flight AB041 End of flight report Date November 25 2005
Flight ID: AB041
Pilot: Alex Beia
Company: Air Beia
Aircraft: PC-12, AFG l /vc
Flight Date: November 25 2005
Departure: 05h18 (10h19 GMT)
Arrival: 06h28 (11h28 GMT)
From: KTVC - Cherry Capitol - usa
To: KDTW - Detroit Metro Wayne Co - Usa
Nbr of Passengers: 9
Incident Report:
The gear didn't go down properly. There was an exceptional pilot on board and despite the dire situation he was able to make a successful belly landing. The Captain has also declared an emergency before landing.
Flight Distance: 180 Nm Landing Speed: 95.94 kt
Time Airborne: 01h08:12 Landing Touchdown: -37.7 ft/m (kiss)
Flight Time (block): 01h09:57 Landing Pitch: 1.26°
Time On Ground: 00h03:22 Landing Weight: 9248 lbs
Average Speed: 158.71 kt Total Fuel Used: 366 lbs
Max. Altitude: 13011ft Fuel Not Used: 978 lbs
Climb Time: 00h09:58 Climb Fuel Used: 74 lbs
Cruise Time: 00h30:52 Cruise Fuel Used: 185 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 231.84 kt (M0.36) Cruise fuel/hour: 361 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 00h27:22 Descent Fuel Used: 106 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +$2,226 (180 Nm)
Cargo Income: +$909 (1999 lbs)
Services Income: +$99 (1 sandwich 0 hot food 1 drink)
Services Cost: -$81 (83% quality)
Emergency Bonus: +$300 (1000 failure point)
Fuel Cost: -$211 (366 lbs Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -$8 (Small Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$135 (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: $3,099
Total Income: $154,950 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $482,126 (1 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: $637,076 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price low, the service price good and the service quality perfect, passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 79% (+2.01 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 1430 points
You made a successful belly landing. (+250)
There was a problem aboard and you declared an emergency. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
A serious problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+1000)
cool gj FEM!
From flying a combat sim alot (IL2) failures of this nature are somewhat more common, but belly landings never get any less stressful and exciting 🙂
I bet that this Atlanta pilot(from CNN) will envy you FEM cause you have bigger craft and more passengers... 😉
Good job my friend. 👍
😂 Very well could be GM72. I was suprised yet still that I got 100% on that flight, the minute I declared an emergency the passenger satisfaction hit 70% 😳
what a show off!! Only kidding!
Well done, if i have a failure of that proportion i hope i do as well!! 👏
Micah 😉
Wow...that must be a cool experience.
Congratulations with the successfull landing! 😉
Well done on your landing FEM! 👍
Sierra Hotel FEM!
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