Downloaded missions not showing

Pro Member Trainee
jack1978 Trainee

I downloaded a few missions but they seem to have dissappeared, I also had problems with the activation thing and installed the crack has this got anything to do with my problem you think? 😕

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Pro Member First Officer
Jim (jellrod) First Officer

Why do you need to install the crack?

Pro Member Trainee
jack1978 Trainee

A glitch by microsoft - the game thinks you haven't typed in the activation code and only lets you play for 30 mins

But WHY can't I see my missions I downloaded?! 😕

Pro Member First Officer
Jim (jellrod) First Officer

It might be that the system is not saving the download missions since you are basically re-initiating the system when you use the crack to boot it up. Have you checked with Microsoft on this issue? There are several other posts in this forum that discuss trouble with the install and they have worked around the problem. FSX does not require the disk be in the drive when you play, so I was wondering why the crack....

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