how to load flight plan into Level-D 767?

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

I know there is a Level-D forum, but I can never get in that forum even I am a registered member. My problem is: after loading flight plan with FS9, there is nothing in the aircraft computer. I saved the flight plan with a file name of less than 8 characters, I couldnt find the plan loaded in the a/c. Any idea?

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Pro Member First Officer
ARD-DC First Officer

Hi Nottobe,

Bit of a late reply, but I haven't frequented flyaway lately, sorry about that 🙂

The LDS 767 (fortunately!!) does not use the default FS9 flightplans. You have to enter one into the FMC. There are various ways to do so, the most realistic one available to simmers (to my knowledge, that is) is to open , enter the departure and destination airport, and the appropriate FL and it will return a proper flightplan.

Then start keying in the waypoints and airways using the RTE key on the FMC....

Writing the whole process out would take a while; you just need to have done it once. But after a while, you'll be able to do it with your eyes closed.

Anyway, if more is required, do ask.

Pro Member Trainee
Nebuluski Trainee

Use a product like FSBuild whihc allows you to export a Flight Plan in .rte format amongst many others!

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

Nebuluski wrote:

Use a product like FSBuild whihc allows you to export a Flight Plan in .rte format amongst many others!

Welcome Nebuluski, if you look closely, you will see that this posts last reply was in January this year! It's not really worth going to the effort of posting to old posts like this, as nobody will use your great advice! 😉

Pro Member Trainee
Rowz2002 Trainee

Sorry Cheeks, your wrong. I just learned how to do something that will relieve my frustration from the reading of Nebuluski's post., You were dead wrong!

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

Rowz2002 wrote:

Sorry Cheeks, your wrong. I just learned how to do something that will relieve my frustration from the reading of Nebuluski's post., You were dead wrong!

Erm, ok.... 😕
What I was trying to say that it wouldn't help the OP as he doesn't visit here anymore or hasn't posted to this thread in a while, therefore showing that the OP doesnt really care about this problem anymore or has either solved it. This thread was a QUESTION, and the ANSWER arrived to late. Do you understand where I am coming from?

kihew Guest

Let me post here the ARD-DC and Cheeks' answers were helpful to me 7 years later 🙂. Google sent me here!

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