Taxi to gate Bravo6....

Pro Member Captain
John Hodges (originalgrunge) Captain

So as most of you can see I fly for United Virtual Airlines, which in Chicago should be the B and C gates. The A-I traffic has it right, taxing to the proper places, but whenever I land, I'm always being sent to gate H something, the american airlines gates! Is this something I can edit within the simulator?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Sorry for the late reply,

I had a look at some of the config files (didn't know where else to start) and couldn't find anything in them 😞 . Don't know if I'm looking in the wrong place Dont Know . Sorry 😕

Pro Member First Officer
Martin (Blake14) First Officer

this has nothing to do with the gate thing. But what are those virtual airlines anyways?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

They are airlines that you can fly for on the net that are virtual 😀 . You basically try to operate like a real airline does. Theres quite a few good ones about! 🙂

Pro Member First Officer
Martin (Blake14) First Officer

sounds good. COuld you recommend some of them?

Pro Member First Officer
Martin (Blake14) First Officer

or is it all the same thing?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

DVA is a good virtual airline. By far one of the biggest. It is well run and organised with excellent aircraft.

There is Nobel, I believe FEM is a member here, or was.

Or theres UVA which I believe FEM and OriginalGrunge (?) are members of (I think). Don't know a website for that one.

Pro Member Captain
John Hodges (originalgrunge) Captain

Thank's for looking into the taxi issue. I'm just frustrated because ORD is the airport I'm based out of for UVA, but unless i'm on line i'm always going to the american gates.

As far as virtual airlines, just about every real-world company has a virtual airline on the internet. Only a few of them (I think) are sponsored by the actual companies themselves, United being one of them.

I know that FEM is/was a pilot for Delta VA, but has a lot of complaints. I've heard that their testing/rating system is a bit of a pain in the butt whenever you move up levels/aircraft. They have great planes though, as does NobleAir!

United is an excellent virtual airline. They are very professional/good about getting you up and flying on line if you've never done it, and are extremely accomodating if you solely wish to fly offline. Their application involves no tests or pre-req knowledge. In order to make sure you're flying accurately or well, they do provide an excellent and simple training department.

Their ranking system is also very convinient. You do spend your first 100 hours as a second officer flying 737s or A320/319s. By the end of this time, you'll feel sufficiently confident in the air to start tackling the next 100 hours in 757's and 767's. By this time, your knowdedge is fairly thorough, providing you with everything you need to pass you checkrides to become captain and senior captain.

They have several well managed hubs you can base yourself out of, and the flight reservation/filing system is excellent and nearly automatic. The staff is eager and willing to help you at each place.

I hope you enjoy whichever airline you pick!

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