Selecting Engines...

Pro Member First Officer
Greg (FL050) First Officer

Does anyone else have problems selecting engines?

I have the default key's for my configuration, which is E and then pushing 1 or 2 to select the engine. I can usually select the first engine fine and on the first try by just holding down E and then pushing 1, but I always have a problem selecting the second one. I will sit there and hold down E pushing 2 for 10minutes yet it will never actually select the second engine.

Any advice on what I can do?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I'm not trying to be funny but press down "E" the do 1 and 2 very fast or it won't work.
It's annoying but it will work (most of the time).

I hope someone else has a better solution.


Pro Member First Officer
Greg (FL050) First Officer

So to select both I don't push 1 and 2 at the same time, just one after the other?

Just trying pushing and holding down E, then push 1 or 2 really fast for which ever engine I want to select?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Manuel Agustin Clausse (Agus0404) Chief Captain

Yes, you have to press 1 and 2 just one after the other.

Press E and then 1 and then 2. That should work fine.

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