reduced 777 Engine Power in fs 2004

seajohn49 Guest

I have both fs2002 and 2004 on my computer.

The boeing 777 on fs2004 has noticeably less power than the 777 on fs2002. Enough so to where it requires a longer roll on takeoff, has difficulty climbing, and a lower top speed.

Sound familiar to anyone? Any input or solutions?

Thanks in advance.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

Go into the 777 base folder in the FS9 Aircraft directory, then open the Aircraft.cfg file with notepad.

Look for a line that says something like max_thrust or something like that, and type in the correct amount of thrust.

Pro Member Captain
Sam (SamIntel) Captain

seajohn49 wrote:

I have both fs2002 and 2004 on my computer.

The boeing 777 on fs2004 has noticeably less power than the 777 on fs2002. Enough so to where it requires a longer roll on takeoff, has difficulty climbing, and a lower top speed.

Sound familiar to anyone? Any input or solutions?

Thanks in advance.

Yea, I've noticed that too.

Pro Member First Officer
leadfoot First Officer

I noticed the same thing. I had fs 2000 and the '04 777 is under powered. I resolved the problem by resetting the thrust from 84000 lbs to 95000 lbs. That is not unrealistic being that the prototype engines have been tested to over 125000 lbs thrust without any problems. Just go to the airplane config files and look for the engine settings. I also took the liberty of upping the reverse thrust output as well. Did the same thing with 737's reverse too.

seajohn49 Guest

Thanks for your quick and accurate responses. I did exactly as you suggested, and it worked like a champ.

Great bit of knowledge to know.

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