Bae 146 Sounds

Pro Member Chief Captain
Michael Thomas (SteveT) Chief Captain

Does anyone know any good Bae 146 sounds for FS2004?

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Pro Member First Officer
beerbadger First Officer

i tried avsim but i didnt find anything 😞 sorry dude

fokker_f27 Guest

I have a model that has some:
1: visit Censored
2: Go to sabena virtual
3: On that site there is an AVROrj85 for download with sounds.

Edit by TTT
Just a link to a dodgy search site 🙄

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

I have found a Bae 146 which has custom sounds âž¡

Bae 146-300, SNbrusels, exelent 3D model, full moving animated, ailerons, rolling wheels, turning front wheel, flaps, spoilers, tail, opening door,stair, rolling blades, transparent cockpit window with 3D pilots inside, textures are clean and clear with details, accurate flight dinamics, custom sounds like the reall one, real quiet engines, custom panel tasted by reall BAes146s pilots: with all sistems working, APU , electrical, air conditioning, pressure, hidraulic, radar, etc. etc. you wont belive how reall this aircraft is, you will have to do all the checklist in order to turn on the engines, and must read the panel manual otherwaise you wont be able to fly this bird.includes a 102 pages cockpit manual(autoinstall utility) credits: model: Jon murchison textures: dan mitchell panel: matthias liberechet compilation: felipe pech pacheco autoinstall: felipe pech pacheco

If you dont like this aircraft,just use its sounds

Hope it helps

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

We might be able to create a hybrid out of this Bae 146 and the new An-148 😀

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