HUD in external view?


is there a way I can have an HUD on the external aircraft view? I want to fly the aircraft on external view mode but at the same time keep an eye on attitude control (pitch, etc)

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain


Press [ key. (Next to the letter 'P' on the keyboard) and it brings up a new window. Click on the window and press 'S' and it will cycle through the views to the one you want. Click on the main window and fly!


Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

I think you cant but you can do the opposite.
I mean from cockpit view to see you craft in external view to a small window which appears if you hit CTRL+W.Hit num pads to change views of your craft in this small window.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Anonymous wrote:

is there a way I can have an HUD on the external aircraft view? I want to fly the aircraft on external view mode but at the same time keep an eye on attitude control (pitch, etc)

What you are referring to is typical for Combat Flight Sims. There is no option for this available in fs9. I haven't come across an add-on that would do that either yet...but you never know Read

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