Traffic [Is this new?]

Pro Member Captain
Jon Van Duyn (JVD) Captain

I know many websites where people complain bitterly about project AI, Ultimate traffic and Traffic 2006. Why? Well, it's simply because their ac models just aren't detailed enough for many peoples liking.

I am one of those people. The only difference between me and them is that I don't know how to install those aircraft let alone find website to download them from.

I've heard of CDAI, and FS painter but just can't find those websites so a little help would be nice.

That's just a few questions I've been asking for quite some time now but that's not the main reason as to why I started this topic.

I was on Avsim scrolling down the main page when I found a link to Aerosofts Mega airport review. Well, it's something I've been eagerly awaiting. So I opened the page and read a review that is second to none. The review included some pictures so I looked at eash and was amazed at the quality of the traffic. So as I read on and came to a bit where the reviewer said, " I installed Adobe’s Traffic Pack 4.4 which replaces all models with more realistic ones from the aforementioned freeware developers ".

So my question for today is, where can I find this Adobe Traffic Pack 4.4?

If there is anyone else out there who wants to reasd this awsome review here's a link:

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

Well we all gonna laugh...but the only matches i could find was in a CHINESE... 😂 😂 😂

Although seems that it has to do with this you are looking for...Check it and laugh with me... 😉

and ➡

I warning you that i dont know if im right and also that they are huge files. 😉

Pro Member Captain
Jon Van Duyn (JVD) Captain

Man, their english is brilliant lol 😂

Thanks GM, the find is awsome.

Pro Member Trainee
bnohifi Trainee

umm Greekman72 they are KOREAN 😀 Embarassed

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

bnohifi wrote:

umm Greekman72 they are KOREAN 😀 Embarassed

LoooL... They all me 😉

Thanks for the notice my friend.I wasnt sure at all about the language Embarassed

Pro Member First Officer
sylvan First Officer

I've looked into this Adobe Traffic Pack as I had not heard of it and although it suggests the models used are better than the models of PAI, CDAI, Aardvark, FSPainter etc they are in fact the same models. In fact the said developers are up in arms about this release as no permission has been gained to use their models in this pack. The only thing that Adobe (nothing to do with THE Adobe) has done is collect models, paints, flightplans and AFCADS readily available on the internet and bundle them together into a self-installer which isn't, as far as I can gather, free of bugs.

The models used in "Ultimate Traffic" and the latest "Traffic" release are very basic in my opinion and don't have any comparision with the models developed by the afore mentioned.

Some links for you JVD

FSPainter models and repaints

Mostly GA models
GA models/repaints
Russian AI models/traffic
PAI models/repaints/traffic

Dee Waldron models/repaints
Aardvark models/repaints

Pro Member Captain
Jon Van Duyn (JVD) Captain

Wow, thanks for all those links I will put them to good use.

I tried out this all new traffic pack and the models and repaints look so real it's ridicuolus. So I've decided that I'm going to do some planespotting at Dubai.

A word of advice

Download both traffic packs before attempting to install. Another thing is once it's intstalled and working on your FS remove all ultimate traffic and PAI. It's not compulsory to remove those traffic files but it really makes your FS a lot nicer with excellent models flying around.

Pro Member Captain
Kareem El-Sadi (crosscheck9) Captain

So which one of them gave you the excellent detail?

Pro Member Captain
Jon Van Duyn (JVD) Captain

Both of them. They both need each other in order to install. CD1 and CD2.
It's like the flight sim needing all four CD's to install.

If thats not what you ment, I'm talking about the Adobe Traffic pack 4.4.

Another thing that made some awsome chages but can be a lot of work is the Ultimate GA that sylvan mentioned.

Pro Member Captain
Kareem El-Sadi (crosscheck9) Captain

I see - THanks

Pro Member First Officer
sylvan First Officer

JVD wrote:

Wow, thanks for all those links I will put them to good use.

I tried out this all new traffic pack and the models and repaints look so real it's ridicuolus. So I've decided that I'm going to do some planespotting at Dubai.

any chance of some screenies please?

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