How would I go about removing the Landmark, Orbit, Pacific Airways, Soar, etc. airlines that come with FS2004?
I should probably be posting this in Microsoft's boards, but I've had lots of good responses from you guys and I'll bet I'm not the only one wanting to do this here. I have Ultimate Traffic installed; just so you're warned in advance.
My reason for removing those built-in airlines is to make my flying seem a little more realistic. If I were flying in real-life I know I wouldn't see or hear about these airlines. Also it would help cut down a bit of the traffic at the airports.
I'm surprised by your question. When I was using UT, all my airports were populated by appropriate real-world airlines.
They are for me also, but I am still seeing quite a few of the built-in airlines. And they're taking up some of the gates that the other airlines would need. Like this morning the United 875 flight to Narita is normally at gate N9 at KSEA (I know this because I did x-ray scanning of the checked baggage for that flight), but there was a Global a/c there instead.
Boy this is a difficult one. You can try maybe removing the textures and information from the Aircraft.cfg file for things that you fly, like the 747, '37, '77, and then just delete the MD-88 and Dash-80 files, those are only AI.
Be careful and BACKUP before you try my crazy-assed idea 😳
Well that means I'm not going to be much help since I stopped using UT because my system was getting a bit sluggish with it.
Hopefully someone still using it can suggest a solution.
Well that means I'm not going to be much help since I stopped using UT because my system was getting a bit sluggish with it.
Did you try to drop the traffic %? I tried that, but got mad because I somehow wanted a "All-or-nothing" deal with it. I suppose when I get the new PC I'll try again and see how it goes
CrashGordon wrote:
Well that means I'm not going to be much help since I stopped using UT because my system was getting a bit sluggish with it.
Hopefully someone still using it can suggest a solution.
It may be time to reinstall Windows. Have you tried .
Go to and run the free full test and spend some time reading the results.
Fire_Emblem_Master wrote:
Boy this is a difficult one. You can try maybe removing the textures and information from the Aircraft.cfg file for things that you fly, like the 747, '37, '77, and then just delete the MD-88 and Dash-80 files, those are only AI.
Be careful and BACKUP before you try my crazy-assed idea 😳
I was thinking to try that. I just might do it because I've noticed that FS2004 is using some of the aircraft I've installed. It even started using an airline name I put in using EditVoicePack. Was a bit surprised to see a couple of MithAir flights when I can't even get that to show on the a/c I want to use it with.
Use the PAI traffic remover here
You can go into the root file of your FS/Scenery/World/ scenery file and remove your traffic bgl ( do a backup first) then you´re rid of the default airlines 😀
RadarMan wrote:
CrashGordon wrote:
Well that means I'm not going to be much help since I stopped using UT because my system was getting a bit sluggish with it.
Hopefully someone still using it can suggest a solution.
It may be time to reinstall Windows. Have you tried .
Go to and run the free full test and spend some time reading the results.
Did all that. Needed to defrag the drive. My problem is I keep putting off getting more RAM.
why don't you just delete the files from fs9's main aircraft directory
Change them with this d/load ➡
FS2004 Euro B737-400 AI Replacement Pack Replacement for the default B737's American Pacific, Landmark, Orbit, Pacifica, and World Travel with European ailines - Air France, British Airways, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Luftansa, and Virgin Express. They are all flyable and will be replacement's for the default B737 AI aircraft. By Tony Potter. 2.2MB
FS2004 B747-400 AI Replacement Pack Replacement for the default B747's Landmark, Soar, Pacifica, and World Travel with Air France, British Airways, Northwest, and Qantas. They are all flyable and will be replacement's for the default B747 AI aircraft. By Tony Potter. 1.9MB
Thanks Tom, I'll try those downloads, but I'm more interested in deleting the aircraft so they don't take up space at the gates and on the taxiway. I'll 'archive' the planes and see what that does. If FS2004 doesn't like what I did I'll put these files you mentioned in.
sylvan wrote:
Use the PAI traffic remover here
Did you miss this post?
It will do what your after
I did see that post and ran the commercial traffic remover. Nothing happended.
Should have added that you need the PAI installer. As stated earlier you could rename the default traffic file traffic030528.bgl to .lgb or something. You should find this in FS9/Scenery/World/Scenery
download the repaints you want for the default aircraft and have them overwrite the old ones. then get in the config and change 'orbit' to 'lufthansa' or something under atc_airline i think it is.
sylvan wrote:
Should have added that you need the PAI installer. As stated earlier you could rename the default traffic file traffic030528.bgl to .lgb or something. You should find this in FS9/Scenery/World/Scenery
I saw this file, traffic030528.bgl, in the folder. Is that where all the built-in flights are located? May not even wait for a response. As soon as I land at KDFW from KLFT in my sweet Cirrus I'll move that file elsewhere and see what happens.
Well, I removed traffic030528.bgl and lost all my GA traffic along with those airliners. I really would like to keep the GA traffic. Isn't there something out there to edit bgl files? That way I could go through it and remove everything I don't want.
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