Superb Aviation Music Soundtrack "Birds of War"

yoyoman Guest

Hello dear members,

I'm a composer of aviation music and my last track called "BIRDS OF WAR" features authentic sounds from WWII digitally remastered by Tomahawk Films.

Today it is ranked number 5 in the charts containing 12.500 tracks.

To find me, just type "yoyoman" in GOOGLE or simply click on the link below.

Kind regards

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Very interesting, thank you for the post. I spent a while just listening, you do good work!


Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

Confirmed 👍.Very good site. 👍


Thanks for your comments, Greekman72 and RadarMan 😉

I'm still not a member (I payed though but I have to wait to be processed). This is why I take this opportunity to put my link here :

As a guest I have no other ways to make it appear here 😕

Thanks for your interest 😀


Pro Member Chief Captain
hms_endeavour Chief Captain

Anonymous wrote:

Thanks for your comments, Greekman72 and RadarMan 😉

I'm still not a member (I payed though but I have to wait to be processed). This is why I take this opportunity to put my link here :

As a guest I have no other ways to make it appear here 😕

Thanks for your interest 😀


Very nice site.What will your flyaway nickname be?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Great idea (unique)!

Great site!

Great work!

Enough said... except: Keep it up!! 👍

Pro Member First Officer
fourby First Officer

Hi yoyoman 🙂 nice site, nice music 👍 love it or not, ( I do ) I can see my FSpassengers listening to ' Transplania' whilst taxi-ing to the tarmac. 😂

yoyoman Guest

Well, still a guest here, but I paid to be a member and registered, so I should be a member very soon 😉

@hms_endeavour : Thanks for your comments. My nickname here will be just ... yoyoman like in every other aviation forum where I am a member ! The funny thing is : Some 40.000 people identify me as "yoyoman", a name I chose because I enjoy it to play yoyo-tricks synchronized with music (Advanced level). Now it is too late to change my name and my nickname "yoyoman" will always be associated with Aviation Music.

@ Tailhook : I'm glad you love it, and be sure myself I also enjoy it a lot to compose this particular music.

@ Tailhook : "Transplania" was my second track. The intro sound is exactly that sound you hear in a 747-400 during takeoff and all other sounds are genuine in-flight sounds. This is one of my favourite tracks because it's the only one where you are realy a passenger !

@ The 3 of you : Yesterday I had something that never happened to me before : At a very famous aviation site where I also pay a monthly fee to be a member (You know that site very well) my post into the forum was deleted because it was considered to be commercial. I found this rude and politely I've sent a mail this morning to defend my case. I am not a commercial site at all, and not many composers make ALL THE TRACKS they make available as free downloads. It is perhaps for this reason that I have everywhere very nice feedback ... Except yesterday 😕

And before I leave, in springtime you will see a fantastic musical simulation video which I am already producing and it will be very original and exactly what site members like this one will particularly enjoy ! I keep the secret, wait and see !

You realy cheered me up guys 😀


Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I'm looking forward to the release of your new "endeavor", if it's anything like your previous ones it'll be worth waiting for.

Concerning your membership, be sure to check your deleted and junk folders for the conformation, they have a habit of winding up in there.


yoyoman Guest

Radarman said :

Concerning your membership, be sure to check your deleted and junk folders for the conformation, they have a habit of winding up in there.

This is pehaps not the right place to talk about that, but something is wrong : I get indeed an email in my junk mail folder coming from "Fly Away" confirming I requested a code with a link into that mail. When I click on that link, I can read : "Confirmation code for yoyoman mailed". Only problem is : I never get any code here, so the door towards this site remains locked 😞



Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

yoyoman wrote:

Radarman said :

Concerning your membership, be sure to check your deleted and junk folders for the conformation, they have a habit of winding up in there.

This is pehaps not the right place to talk about that, but something is wrong : I get indeed an email in my junk mail folder coming from "Fly Away" confirming I requested a code with a link into that mail. When I click on that link, I can read : "Confirmation code for yoyoman mailed". Only problem is : I never get any code here, so the door towards this site remains locked 😞



Try to log-in with the name and password you submitted, if that doesn't work send an e-mail to , put ATT: Flyaway in the subject line.
Don't forget to give him all the information you can, including the e-mail address you used to sign up with.


Pro Member Trainee
yoyoman Trainee

I would say : This looks better ! At last, I'm no guest anymore 😉

Thanks for the tip, RadarMan. I posted to that e-mail address you gave me and now eveything is ok 😀

Kind regards, and again, thanks !


Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

Welcome to Fly Away dear yoyoman. 👍 👍 👍

Its a great pleasure for us to have you as a member here. ❗ 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
hms_endeavour Chief Captain

yoyoman wrote:

I would say : This looks better ! At last, I'm no guest anymore 😉

Welcome to flyaway,Yoyo! 😀 You'll have a great time with us here!
hope i didn't offend you calling you yoyo Embarassed Can i ?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Manuel Agustin Clausse (Agus0404) Chief Captain

Welcome to the forums, yoyoman!!

I hope you enjoy your stay here, and if trouble comes, don't forget to come here 😉 We, "trouble-solvers" can help anybody with different problems. 😂

Have a nice day 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Good to see you as a real person yoyoman -- Welcome!

Pro Member Trainee
yoyoman Trainee

What a fabulous welcome overhere !

Thanks Greekman72, Hms_endeavour, Agus0404 and Tailhook. I am very honoured to be a member now 😉

@ Hms_Endeavour : Many people call me "yoyo" and I feel definitely not offended. When I started to compose aviation music 2 years ago, I thought "yoyoman" is a funny name, easy to remember and I am a yoyoing fan (I'm an intermediate player) so that name definitely makes sense. Recently I was thinking of changing my name into something more related with aviation music but I'm afraid it's too late for that now : Everyboday associates "yoyoman" with "Aviation Music" and today it would be a bad idea to change that name into something else. Anyway, I like that name "yoyoman" and "yoyo" is definitely cool 😎

Have a nice day to all of you. Now I have to work further on my video.

Take care,


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