
Pro Member Captain
Doyley Captain

Ive wanted to do flying lessons for ages now but ive never got round to it. I will do one day BUT I have a question....
I have a problem with me legs so I cant bend my right knee, it just locks so its permanently straight.
What are the pedals on the plane for? Are they the rudders? Is there a way around it that I could manage.
My left leg is fine so in my car I have an adaption fitted where the accelerator is on the left. Its an automatic so I use my left foot for acceleration and braking.

Thanks 😀

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

What are the pedals on the plane for? Are they the rudders?

Indeed Doyley. If there is any way around the problem or if any modifications could be made in an aircraft similar to mods in a car, I think a flying instructor would be the best person to talk to.
I'm sure the necessary mods could be made, but unfortunately you'd probably have to foot the bill, or even worse, buy the aircraft.
This is not meant to discourage you in any way... go straight to the source, send an e-mail to an instructor or to a school. 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

A woman, paralyzed from the waist down recently did her first solo flight in a specailly modified plane, here in Southern California.

There are always ways to surmount problems. BTW, she did a pretty decent landing.

Pro Member Captain
Doyley Captain

Cool, I will email my local flying school and let you know any info they send me.

Thanks 😀

Pro Member Captain
WarHawk42 Captain

The pedals are for the rudder, but they also serve for the brakes. You would have to have a plane modified for both rudder control and braking. The brakes are independent of each other and you would need some way to apply them evenly.

Pro Member Captain
Micah Captain

just a quickie,

just wanted to say i really hope they can sort something for you or that it is feasable!! Then you can live the dream!!

Micah 😉

Pro Member Captain
Doyley Captain

Thanks all!

I have email Liverpool flying school. Awaiting a reply.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Do let us know what they have to say. I'm sure it's of interest to us all.

Pro Member Captain
jarred_01 Captain

They should be able to figure something out for you, make sure you tell us how you get on! 😀

Pro Member Captain
Doyley Captain

Well I got a reply,

They said I should go down and sit in the a/c before I book to see if I can manage it. So im going to phone them on Monday and arrange this.

They also sent me about 4/5 doc files about the school and the stuff they do and the aircraft they use. Would anybody like to have a look at them?? If so ill post a link on here.

Pro Member Captain
jarred_01 Captain

Is this the link here?

I cant really comment too much on the aircraft as I've never flown a Piper before and don't know a heck of a lot about them, but otherwise, from the info listed on the website, it looks pretty good to me.

The best thing to do would be to read through all the information you received and / or talk to an instructor, they'll take you for a look round the flying school and answer any questions, and if it sounds good to you - start saving your $$$!

Pro Member Captain
Doyley Captain

Yeah thats the one.

They sent me some extra info that isnt on the site as far as im aware. Its an interesting read.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Well, you started the ball rolling, good luck on Monday 👍

Keep us posted!

Pro Member Captain
Doyley Captain

Im booked in on Friday to go and have a chat with them and sit in the aircraft.
We had a little chat about the different licences and he recommended the JAR licence as the PPL had too many restrictions but he mentioned I would have to have a medical before I flew solo.
Does anybody know what this will involve?

Cheers 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain
Pro Member First Officer
Corgi First Officer


Best of luck with your flying, hope everything works well for you.



Pro Member Captain
Doyley Captain

Woooo ive just been there and I can manage the rudders fine. Ive booked my first lesson for the 7th March 😀😀😀😀

The plane is tiny, a piper tomahawk, but its great! I cant wait 😀😀

Pro Member Captain
jarred_01 Captain

Doyley wrote:

Woooo ive just been there and I can manage the rudders fine. Ive booked my first lesson for the 7th March 😀😀😀😀

The plane is tiny, a piper tomahawk, but its great! I cant wait 😀😀

Congradulations Doyley, that's great news! I'm expecting a full report on your return... 😉

Have a great time and enjoy your lessons. 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Good news - clement weather on 7th March would be the icing on the cake 🍻

Pro Member Captain
Doyley Captain

Yeah most definitely.

The lesson is for 12 so hopefully it will be a nice clear day 😀

When we were sat in the a/c he started talking me through the basic controls like the elevator, ailerons etc. I didnt want to tell him I already knew what he was telling me 😂

I also knew what most of the instruments were for..... so FS might shave a couple of hours of my lessons 😀

Pro Member First Officer
simon roourke (simon123) First Officer

yerrrr live the dream!!
hell i do. ❗ ❗ ❗ Punk

Pro Member Captain
jarred_01 Captain

Doyley wrote:

Yeah most definitely.

The lesson is for 12 so hopefully it will be a nice clear day 😀

When we were sat in the a/c he started talking me through the basic controls like the elevator, ailerons etc. I didnt want to tell him I already knew what he was telling me 😂

I also knew what most of the instruments were for..... so FS might shave a couple of hours of my lessons 😀

Yep, that happens during theory in my lessons too Doyley, it is still quite interesting to learn about though.

Man, you're going to love it up there! 😎

matt7723 Guest

Doyley wrote:

Yeah most definitely.

The lesson is for 12 so hopefully it will be a nice clear day 😀

When we were sat in the a/c he started talking me through the basic controls like the elevator, ailerons etc. I didnt want to tell him I already knew what he was telling me 😂

I also knew what most of the instruments were for..... so FS might shave a couple of hours of my lessons 😀

Same thing for me also. Make sure you do tell them you know what they are talking about thuogh; it will save you hundrerds of dollars in the long run.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Doyley wrote:

I didnt want to tell him I already knew what he was telling me 😂

I would have acted in the same way. Some instructors don't like it when you already know things they are supposed to be teaching you. I would have opted for the cautious approach like you did.

Pro Member First Officer
JTH First Officer

Just out interest, how much are flying lessons in the U.S.?

Pro Member Captain
Doyley Captain

I wouldnt know but in the UK im playing £99 for my first hour then im not sure after that. Thats at liverpool Flying School

Madbrit Guest

Your thought process should be the other way round. Take what the instructor teaches you back into FS and you will find your flying experience in FS will take on a new dimension. This is where FS changes from being a game to a tool. Some instructors I know use FS as a training aid and he might well suggest some specific things to practice as you go forward. After each lesson you’ll be able to go home and practice exactly the same thing in FS, over and over.

Don't be afraid of telling him you use FS and any aspect of flying you have a problem with in FS - relative to your new learning experience that is. Don't expect him to tech you about GPS navigation in a 777. He will not be critical of your FS experience unless it proves that you have picked up some bad habits or misconceptions. You might even find you need more training to get you out of any bad habits you have learned from FS.

Your instructor has a set syllabus for your flight training and will take you through every topic. Ask him for a copy if he hasn't given it to you already and you can monitor your own progress. He will constantly assess your knowledge and skill and, unlike FS, you will not move on until you can demonstrate to him you have a firm understanding or required skill level in any of the topics. He has to put an entry in your logbook to show you have performed the subject and eventually sign you off to take the checkride and the theory test.

Expect roadblocks. Accept not being able to do something first, or even 10th time around. If he is any good, he will adjust his technique to help you understand anything with which you are having a problem.

Be honest with him and yourself and make no assumptions in what you think you already know. He will become your friend, your source of knowledge and your mentor.

Work hard, expect setbacks, accept criticism gladly but most of all, enjoy the experience. Good luck for 7th March. See you in the pattern.

Pro Member Captain
Doyley Captain

Cheers for that madbrit. Ill keep everything you said in mind during my lessons.

Does anybody know how many hours on average you need to pass get a JAR license?

Pro Member Captain
Doyley Captain

Never mind, I found this

matt7723 Guest

Tailhook wrote:

I would have acted in the same way. Some instructors don't like it when you already know things they are supposed to be teaching you. I would have opted for the cautious approach like you did.

Remember though that you are their boss. Your the one shelling over thousands of dollars. If a CFI gets mad, find a new one. They should be glad you allerady know something, not mad. If a CFI gets mad at you for knowing something, fire him. No questions asked.

For anyone thats interested, lessons are anywhere from about 80 dollars an hour up to 150 dollars an hour in the US. Im flying in a C-152 that goes for 61$ an hour, and my instructor is 40$ an hour.

The UK is a whole different story though. You can probably expect to pay close to twice of what Im paying for an exact same plane. Many Europeans will come to the US and get their PPL. Even though they have to pay for hotels, food, and airfare, It still comes out cheaper!

Master Lander Guest

Ok i see you are in Liverpool, but there is a flying school based at Goodwood (i think) that teaches people who have various disabilities to fly. My father is paralysed from the waist down, and he went for a trial flight. They have basically adapted the planes so that the rudder is controlled by hand rather by foot, for those people who can't use their legs. Like i said i'm fairly sure its the Goodwood flying school (based at the race track there), so it might be worth contacting them for more details.



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