Annunciators and Backlit Panels

Mac3 Guest

If you are building a 737ng sim and don't want to use a prefabricated
panel set, your biggest problem will probably be reproducing your annunciators and back lit panels. The prefab kits come with all the little details that are very dificult to produce yourself.
Wouldnt it be good if you could just get these detailed bits you want without having to spend a fortune on a prefabricated panel kit.
Well After weeks of trawling net I've struck gold. make all the annunciators and backlit panels for the 737ng at a very afordable price.
If your building it your self, you will love this site.
Amasingly, Ive never seen it mentioned on any of the big sim sites.

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Tailhook Chief Captain

I find it unpalatable that the best part of the page is blocked out by the pop-up of 'Registry Cleaner' !!

I'm off to run all my junk eliminators right away. Evil or Very Mad

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