I just wanted to let you guys know that for my birthday I will be going in one of those £10 million real cockpit simulators for my birthday at London Gatwick. At present I will be flying in a A320 for I think about 2 hours. I can't wait for this...
My other option was to have flying lessons for the day.
What do you guys think??
Mike 😀
Happy birthday in advance for you dear Steve.
Both options are great.Probably i would go for the flight lessons.
Great stuff Steve,enjoy yourself
Let us enjoy it with you,take a video camera,please 😉
Oh, happy birthday 👍
Oh man, I'm soooo jealous of you! 😂 I would choose the real cockpit simulator. Not just because the simulation is on an A320, but I would love to seat on the left side of an airliner and feel the wild engines roaring while I push the throttles for takeoff. I'm dreaming.... 🙄
Mike, both options are great, very great! Just wonderful!
The flying lessons will give you some hours for your PPL. That is wonderful too!
Please, tell us which option you chose! And remember to tell us how you felt after that.
And finally, happy birthday!! 👍
I would go with the flying lessons, but it's up to you. The simulator is definitly the neatest, but I think a flying lesson would probly be just a little more fun. Have you ever been flying in a small plane?(ex. C-172)
Happy birthday,Steve!!!!!!Congrtulations! 😀 I'm not sure i would choose,for if you chpse the lessons,you could have a real experience in a real plane and fly it,but if you choose the sim,you'll be able to fly a big plane all by yourself for 2 hours!!!Personally,i woould probably choose the lessons,but please,if you want to do one thing more than the other,do not let us change your mind! 😀 😉
Thanks for your ideas guys! SamIntel - No i have never flown in a small craft but I am just thinking that I may get really really nervous and probably because of that won't enjoy it
I am still thinking bt the way! 😉
SteveT wrote:
Thanks for your ideas guys! SamIntel - No i have never flown in a small craft but I am just thinking that I may get really really nervous and probably because of that won't enjoy it
I am still thinking bt the way! 😉
You probly won't get nervous, it's not scarry or anything (just my opinion). But if you do take lessons in the future, you might want to keep this in mind:
For your first few lessons you would probly want to only go up for about an hour at a time, because after about and hour or two in a small plane, and it's your first time, you might start to feel a little queezy if you don't land and take a little break every hour or two if you're going up for a long time. This is just how I felt on my first few lessons after about an hour of flying. But it's still reall fun.
Thanks - could I ask what it is like to fly in a small craft on landing and takeoff etc.. 🙂
Well Steve, I have a nppl course starting, have had 3 hrs so far, and in one word it's 'W-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l'. So far in a Cessna 152, have tried the take off, quite easy, landing not yet! That's a mite harder.
I would definitely go for the instruction in a ----------- ? (B-17)
Happy birthday Michah mate!
I would definatly go for the flying lessons, which I guess will be from Shoreham Airport, which is just down the road from you.
I know you've got the Just Flight Flying Club addon so you can relive your birthday experience over and over again, which will remind you of the good time you had.
I took a flight from Shoreham a few years back for my Birthday and it was awesome! You get to fly where ever you want, including over your own house, and take the controls and feel the reactions of your movements, which feels better than any simulator. Plus, you get to taxi, take off and land at your local GA airport- nothing beats that!
SteveT wrote:
Thanks - could I ask what it is like to fly in a small craft on landing and takeoff etc.. 🙂
Every thing will probly feel a little easier than the sim exept take-off, the sim doesn't simulate torque all that well (wich there is alot of in the take-off and climb); and it doesn't simulate the way the planes wants to lift off the ground. Other than that you just need to focus and have fun. If you're woried or curious about it go down to the flight school that you would be taking the lessons from and ask them if you can talk to an instructor and go sit in a plane and just move the controls around to sort of get the feel of it. Check out:
It will tell you almost every thing that you need to know.
Wow, those are two quite different but brilliant options to choose from, but then you have that problem of which one to pick. I'm not even going to recommed one, as it completely depends on personal preference - think it through carefully, it is after all a heck of a lot of money! 😉
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