My First 100% FSPassenger rating!

Sphagnum1 Guest

I've gotten hooked on this FS Passenger deal, and tonight I did my first real 100% flight. Well, 2nd technically, but the first one was so easy it was almost a gimme! I flew from KSFO to KDFW in Dallas, TX. I took off at dusk, meaning I would obviously land at night, but didn't realize the weather would be terrible! The whole approach I had to hold around 10 degrees off the runway to conpensate for the wind. Lightning was striking everywhere! It was really pretty exciting, but really really hard. I had to go around after not feeling comfortable putting her down on the first try. I'm glad I left myself an extra 10 minutes to get there cause my final flight time was only 3 minutes long. 🙂

I haven't posted much here, just a little, but I've been reading these forums religiously in an effort to improve my flight in the 2 weeks I've been Sim Flying. Thanks guys... Here are my stats...

Flight SA814 End of flight report Date March 18 2006

Flight ID: SA814
Pilot: Aaron Van Der Veen
Company: Sphag Airlines
Aircraft: A320-211 AC 65th
Flight Date: March 18 2006
Departure: 20h16 (03h17 GMT)
Arrival: 02h04 (07h05 GMT)
From: KSFO - San Francisco Intl - Usa
To: KDFW - Dallas Fort Worth Intl - Usa
Nbr of Passengers: 86


Flight Distance: 1,268 Nm Landing Speed: 145.90 kt
Time Airborne: 03h43:10 Landing Touchdown: -240.77 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 03h48:08 Landing Pitch: 2.62°
Time On Ground: 00h06:37 Landing Weight: 135884 lbs
Average Speed: 340.88 kt Total Fuel Used: 23459 lbs
Max. Altitude: FL 210 Fuel Not Used: 7328 lbs
Climb Time: 00h08:24 Climb Fuel Used: 2486 lbs
Cruise Time: 02h09:29 Cruise Fuel Used: 12733 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 391.53 kt (M0.63) Cruise fuel/hour: 5900 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 01h25:17 Descent Fuel Used: 8239 lbs

Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are pleased to have landed right on schedule.
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were highly entertained by the movie.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.

Financial Report:

Ticket Income: +$99,626 (1,268 Nm)
Cargo Income: +$73,539 (22998 lbs)
Services Income: +$0 (0 sandwich 0 hot food 2 drink)
Services Cost: -$310 (50% quality)
Fuel Cost: -$15,973 (23459 lbs Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -$160 (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$7,480 (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: $149,242
Total Income: $7,462,100 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $483,391 (1 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: $7,945,491 (total income+fleet bonus)

Company Reputation:

Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price normal, the service price free and the service quality good, passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 72% (+2.75 increase)

Overall Flight Result: Perfect

Pilot Bonus points: 615 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Precise arrival time at destination.(-00h03:09 difference) (+100)
Long flight (03h43) without using time acceleration, without any problems and with satisfied passengers. (+185)
Extreme weather conditions during approach, but a safe landing and satisfied passengers. (+100)

Answers 9 Answers

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Congratulations Sphagnum1!

Make sure you'll get enough sleep and sustenance 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

Congratulations Captain ❗ Clap Clap Clap

Pro Member First Officer
simon roourke (simon123) First Officer

Perfect ❗ ❗ well done i wish i could get it right like that.
Group Wave

we love FS PASSENGER ❗ ❗

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Congratulations Group Wave 🍻

Pro Member Chief Captain
pilotwannabe Chief Captain

well done ❗ ❗ ❗
I love FSpax 😀 😀

Group Wave

Pro Member First Officer
Canyon (NoWorries) First Officer

Absolutely beautiful! Great landing, especially with the weather. My only suggestion...for such a long flight, you might want to increase your cruise altitude, you'll get better fuel mileage, and will fly considerably faster.

The rules for altitudes above FL18 are that aircraft traveling west are at even altitudes. The way I remember it, is that if I am coming from the East, then I should be an an Even altitude. For example, you going East were right to be at FL21, an aircraft going the flying Dallas to Seatle would be at FL22, therefore if you were on the same jetway, you'll have 1,000 feet of seperation.

Sphagnum1 Guest

Thanks, everyone!

NoWorries wrote:

Absolutely beautiful! Great landing, especially with the weather. My only suggestion...for such a long flight, you might want to increase your cruise altitude, you'll get better fuel mileage, and will fly considerably faster.

The rules for altitudes above FL18 are that aircraft traveling west are at even altitudes. The way I remember it, is that if I am coming from the East, then I should be an an Even altitude. For example, you going East were right to be at FL21, an aircraft going the flying Dallas to Seatle would be at FL22, therefore if you were on the same jetway, you'll have 1,000 feet of seperation.

That's for the pointer, Noworries. I have heard the east-west rule but I'm still kinda at a loss at deciding what FL to be at. I generally just pick something between 20-25, but if I'm going 2000 miles, should I be up at 30 or more? Is there a good guide for this written up somewhere on this forum? I'd appreciate the pointer.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

If you fly jet aircraft, you shound almost ALWAYS fly at or above FL300. This helps keep fuel burn low. Unless the flight is less than 45 minutes, that is. In that case, fly around FL200-250 range.

Pro Member Trainee
Pitt Trainee

Cool I'm gonna try my first flight between Shanghai China to Ningbo fly with Kingair using fs passenger which can only carry 8 passengers tonight, it should be done within an hour.


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