My Video - A trip around Cairns

Pro Member Chief Captain
Michael Thomas (SteveT) Chief Captain

Hi all,

I have recently been working on a video with my Muale, in Carins, Queensland Australia. I am using the wonderful VOZ scenery done by Koorby which is available here:

Enjoy and all comments are welcome!

The link - it expires in three days! 😉

Enjoy! 😀

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Pro Member Chief Captain
hms_endeavour Chief Captain


Pro Member Chief Captain
pilotwannabe Chief Captain

Glad you overcame all your problems Mike 👍

I'm downloading now 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
hms_endeavour Chief Captain

VERY NICE!great job!I liked it alot! 😀 Clap

Pro Member Chief Captain
pilotwannabe Chief Captain

FANTASTIC video Mike 😉

Although I could have sworn I saw a cat on the wing about a minute in 🙄

BTW, how do you get your own textures on the hangar??

Great video 👍

Pro Member Chief Captain
Michael Thomas (SteveT) Chief Captain

Thanks for your comments guys.

PW - I got this idea from Cheekytrolly about designing your own Hanger. Basically if you got to your FS9 texture folder and find a hanger texture at an airport of your choice - just open it up in Paint and edit with text or whatever you wish! 😉

Also you mentioned the cat - that was my cursor - it got in the way 😂

Mike 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

Great Video Steve 👏 👏 👏 I like the music support. 😉

Pro Member First Officer
amermel First Officer


Pro Member Captain
PanAmerican Captain

Excellent video 😎 . If you want, next time upload your videos to:

Pro Member Captain
Germán Campopiano (Oberkomando) Captain

Great shots! Clap

Rich Rich Guest

I was just wondering what programme you used top recod FS9 and what movie making programme did you use.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

FS Recording ➡

Movie Editing ➡ Windows Movie Maker.Default XP's program.


Pro Member Trainee
Pitt Trainee

Cool Downloading it now.

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