Flyaway AI Traffic

Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

Would anyone be interested in this at all?

Before I go ahead and plan it out, I want to know what sort freeware AI traffic you use.

Once people reply to this post I will set up some plans.

I will also need someone to repaint the AI traffic but I will touch on this later. If people want to repaint some in the mean time please PM me for further details.


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Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

It sounds like a great idea, Liono - but I don't know how straightforward (if at all) it is to orchestrate.

It would be great to have some Flyaway AI in the sim though 👍

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jake (JarJarBinks) Chief Captain

have some basic planes in the AI traffic like B767-300, B747-400, A-319, B737-400/800, CRJ 200/900, A-320, B757-200. that is what i would like to see in the AI traffic for Fly Away....

oh maybe put a Bell 206A in there for the helicopter pilots 😉

Pro Member First Officer
vlad (tiger7881) First Officer

hi, i am using the program FLight one software, and it has alot of AI, i realy recomand this and u will get everything air line that u want to everyplane.

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