Graphics Card

Toddob Guest

hey i have a compaq presario with 256mb ram. this suks so im planning on getting graphics card. i was looking at this one

can anyone tell me how good the preformance will be on FS2004, and whether it would work well for my computer? or does anyone have a better suggestion on one to get?

thanks alot, 😀

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Most of the members that have had that card have given it up long ago. It's the very low end but it may be better than what you have.
Be sure you have a AGP socket on your motherboard before you get that or any other AGP card.
It's the brown one.

Without all of your other computer specs we can't tell what you need.
You do need more ram, 512mb is the minimum, ram is cheap so you can bring that up.Check the Sunday papers Fry's, Office Depot, Staples, Best Buy, Circuit City etc and then match those prices up to


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