Spitfire flying over alaska

Pro Member First Officer
vlad (tiger7881) First Officer

Hey people, as i promised to show u another video i created one, and its a Spitfire flying over alaska's mountains and its beutiful there.


The video is about 11 mins, so it will take u long to download or it depands on ur internet speed.

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Pilau Guest

Very beautiful, bravo!

I really liked the plane, it looked like a shark.

You seem to be a descent pilot - except for that landing which seemed a bit hard. But overall great flying and keep up1

Pro Member First Officer
vlad (tiger7881) First Officer

Thank you very much ,about the landing was hard why?? the rwy in on a mountain witch the angle is not staight its hard to land. but thank you if u would like the modul ask me, i will give u the link

Pilau Guest

The landing just looked a bit harsh that's all.

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