Free Birds Eye View

Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

Free Birds Eye View

For a limited time only. Be warned this is a HUGH download of 198MB and 57.4MB for the updates.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Downloading now - thanks for the heads up Liono 👍

Chief Captain
ceetee Chief Captain

What is this BEV thing?

Is it like a VOZ landclass pack for the US?

Pro Member Chief Captain
hinch Chief Captain

looks good, but i never fly in the us 😞

Pilau Guest

I think my Ultimate Terrain looks better 🙂
Thanks for notifying, though Wink

Pro Member Chief Captain
hinch Chief Captain

i downloaded it to check it out - thought it might change some stuff for the whole world anyway. the zip is corrupted and i can't open it anyway!

Pro Member First Officer
cheechm First Officer

It was corrputed for me, but it didn't mean I stopped trying (I am a bit tight for $$dosh$$). Anyway, after 3 attempts, it download, but I am yet to have a taste of what they are like. I will try and post some screenies of my own sometime soon!

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