*Dornier Do-27*

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

I find it odd but for sure a very nice craft. ❗

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astraGTE Trainee

Greekman72 wrote:

I find it odd but for sure a very nice craft. ❗

yes it is a bit odd but also a very ncie aircraft!!

Pro Member Chief Captain
hinch Chief Captain

digital aviation have released some goodies - but there website only features 2!

that aircraft looks simply stunning cheers GM!

Pro Member First Officer
Alec Stelloh (Thunderbirdman2) First Officer

wow ugly no offence people involed with aircraft but nice textures and all somthin i want

Pro Member First Officer
Alec Stelloh (Thunderbirdman2) First Officer

sry not ugly more like weird what you guys said but unusuall is more what i think

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Strange looking aircraft - good find GM, thanks 🍻

Pro Member First Officer
Alec Stelloh (Thunderbirdman2) First Officer

yea strange

Pro Member First Officer
Wing-man First Officer

Is it just me 🙄 but looking at the screenshots, in #1 the prop looks o.k., in #2, the prop looks......... rather bent 😳 and then in #3, it's o.k. again like #1 😂

Nice find GM72 👍

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

No you are correct Wing-man.Excellent notice 👍 .Un-explained though Dont Know

Pro Member First Officer
Wing-man First Officer

Still a good find GM72 👍 I'll keep an eye out for it's release. 😉

Pro Member First Officer
spitfiresrule First Officer

Thats so sick I want it I want it lol that looks pretty cool ❗ 😂

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