(Video) 737-700 Takeoff from Seattle

TimH Guest

Hi everyone

Another video I made of a 737-700 taking off from Seattle Tacoma (KSEA) on runway 34L

You can view it here

Sorry for the sound, I was trying to give the impression of loudness of the engines without literally blasting sound out of the speakers but it didnt turn out so well!!

Anyway, enjoy it


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Pro Member First Officer
to_coolguys First Officer

hi tim,

i tried the link but the video doesn't seem to load on any of my browsers while the other videos played fine.
Anyone who could watch this video????

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

to_coolguys wrote:

hi tim,

i tried the link but the video doesn't seem to load on any of my browsers while the other videos played fine.
Anyone who could watch this video????

I have the same problem - it doesn't work when I try it on Firefox or IE.

TimH Guest

I apologise for this guys, the link from the hosting site seems to have changed. I will fix it as soon as possible and notify you here when its fixed 🙂

Sorry for the inconvience

TimH Guest

Ok I have fixed the embedded video on the page now so it will work

Please feel free to view and comment!

By the way you still click on the same link as in my original post to view it ( http://www.freewebs.com/tim_hyland/seattledeparture.html ), but I have fixed the actual embedded video so it will work

Enjoy it!


Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

The sound effects were outstanding as was the sharpness and clarity of the video...but it does become tiresome having the same view for 90% of the flight.
The length was right but more views please.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

A nice video with a realistic feel to it and I liked the beginning views very much. One or two more views incorporated into the takeoff would have been nice 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

Awesome video ❗ Sounds are very realistic. A couple a more views and it will be great. Great job Tim 😀

Pro Member First Officer
TimH First Officer

Thanks guys! Every time I post a video here my 'book' full of tips to improve them gets even bigger! 😀

They can only get better from here! 🙂

Pro Member Captain
Kareem El-Sadi (crosscheck9) Captain

Nice video 😉 -- The sounds on departure were terrific, and I like the idea of capturing the aircraft lining up -- Try adding a few more views on departure, and you'll have a masterpiece 😉

Pro Member First Officer
violentviolet First Officer

Awsome. 👏

Pro Member First Officer
TimH First Officer

Thanks guys. I'll definitely have more views in my next view, as I can see it really does make videos better Smile

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

Looking forward to your next video Tim 🙂

Pro Member First Officer
TimH First Officer

Guys be warned that I just got the PMDG 737NG and my next video may feature a virtual cockpit view 🙂

That is if frames arent too bad, fraps can really have an impact on frames

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

Cool 🙂


Do you have the link to your first video of the take off from boeing field I think it was in a 737-700?

Cheers 😉

Pro Member First Officer
TimH First Officer
Pro Member Trainee
Mitchell Delaney (minicaptain) Trainee

can fraps hav an impact on frameratres?!

if so im shocked and apalled 😳 Evil or Very Mad

Pro Member First Officer
TimH First Officer

Yes it can

What fraps does is takes an image of the screen, how often it does this a second depends on what you have the frame rate setting at in the fraps settings. If you have it set at 25, it will take an image of screen 25 times every second. It then has to save this image to a file, which will be the .avi video file that it will produce

So every second, fraps takes 25 screenshots and saves them to disk, and this is while running the resource demanding Flight Simulator, so it can have a huge impact on frames, depending on how good your computer is

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