Too Fat......

Is this guy too fat for a motorcycle?
 57%  [ 12 ]
 42%  [ 9 ]
Total Votes : 21
Pro Member Trainee
BoeingFanatic Trainee

Is this guy to fat for a motorcycle? You tell me.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

😳 whoa!

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

Yes, but he can't fit in a car. ROFL ROFL ROFL

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

He and the bike have saddle bags!


Pro Member Captain
Kareem El-Sadi (crosscheck9) Captain

is that picture taken in DFW?

Pro Member Captain
Sam (SamIntel) Captain

Naaa, he's fine. It actually works out great. Most people have to worry about the bike falling over and crushing them if they get in an accident, not this guy. 😂

Pro Member First Officer
CaptDennison First Officer

BoeingFanatic wrote:

Is this guy to fat for a motorcycle? You tell me.

O U C H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thats Scary!!!!!!

Capt. Dennison

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Poor tyres and suspension Crying or Very sad

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

ROFL Great picture ❗ I voted no, and I have no clue why Dont Know

Pro Member First Officer
violentviolet First Officer

Good job it's not a moped. 😂

Pro Member Chief Captain
hinch Chief Captain

isn't he in that michael jackson video?

Pro Member First Officer
simon roourke (simon123) First Officer

lol... ❗ Poor bike! He might be born that way. So is it his fault?
Still great picture though.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

simon123 wrote:

lol... ❗ Poor bike! He might be born that way. So is it his fault?
Still great picture though.

I pity his mother if he was born like that 😳

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

simon123 wrote:

lol... ❗ Poor bike! He might be born that way. So is it his fault?
Still great picture though.

He was born weighing 300 lbs.??? Fat babies don't have to grow up fat.

Pro Member First Officer
violentviolet First Officer

As Billy Connoly once said..."He's no stranger to a fish supper". 😂

Pro Member Captain
Sean (SeanGa) Captain

uhm.. how come people voted yes? I mean, OBVIOUSLY he isn't too fat to ride a bike.

if the picture would've shown him not riding a bike, maybe I would have voted differently

Pro Member First Officer
davidmac1 First Officer

SeanGa wrote:

uhm.. how come people voted yes? I mean, OBVIOUSLY he isn't too fat to ride a bike.

if the picture would've shown him not riding a bike, maybe I would have voted differently

just the point i was about to make!

But I'm sure thats some kind of saftey risk! 😂

Pro Member First Officer
beerbadger First Officer

CrashGordon wrote:

Yes, but he can't fit in a car. ROFL ROFL ROFL

ROFL Crash's humour kicking in hide 🙂

Pro Member First Officer
Alec Stelloh (Thunderbirdman2) First Officer

i said yes but he really isnt cuz hes on it right

Pro Member First Officer
Alec Stelloh (Thunderbirdman2) First Officer

oh sorry seanGA said that but i agrree

Pro Member First Officer
violentviolet First Officer

I voted "no", because as the picture shows, the tub of lard clearly isn't too fat for a motorcycle. 😉

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