
WantFSX Guest

Ok, another stupid question....which is better-1024x768x16 or 1024x768x32.....what are the differences? Thanks! 😀

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

I believe that the last number is the amount of possible colors, X32 is the better of the two.

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

32 of course 🙂

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

I have mine set to 16 in the sim and can't notice any difference in colour but an increase in performance Dont Know

Pro Member Chief Captain
hinch Chief Captain

well i run at 1280x1024 and you can certainly see 16bit over 32bit! any semi transparency gets 'meshed' - so instead of transparency the bitmap goes into a hex pattern.

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