I've been wanting to check this out for a while and finally picked it up today. Any comments on it?
Great film - I enjoyed it 👍
Quite a lot of blood and gore though if that deters you.
As long as its factually correct I don't mind war horror. I'm not blood thirsty and hate gory horrors but love a good war movie thats accurate.
I remember the documentry of this incident.
I don't recall the ins and outs of the programme, but what i do remember,is that before the hostage pilot was released,his captors were issued with this message from Bill Clinton,"Release our pilot NOW......or else".
Thats got me exited about the film now. 😀
You see, I'm on hols but my missis is away with her family and has been for 2 months. I've lost all motivation to do anything so am just on the hunt for good fims. Preferabely ones I've not seen before. I saw Clear & present Danger recently and had forgotten how good it is. I love the bit where a soldier guides a laser guided missile down to the target and then after its hit say to the pilot something like.....
"Full detonation, on target, have a nice day!" 😀
Any comments on the Aviator??
Jamie4590 wrote:
Any comments on the Aviator??
Hmmmm,If in doubt....Say nowt! 😂
Loved The Aviator, got me really interested in the life of Howard Hughes.
Black Hawk Down = Nice Movie and nice game too.
Aviator = Great history,nice movie.It would be a great one if they had choose other actor than Leonardo Di Caprio
Greekman72 wrote:
Black Hawk Down = Nice Movie and nice game too.
Aviator = Great history,nice movie.It would be a great one if they had choose other actor than Leonardo Di Caprio
I think a double barf bag is required as far as Di Caprio is concerned! 😂
Blackawk Down was excellent. The Aviator was very good. Di Crappio was
🍅 🍅 🍅
EDIT: The name spelling was deliberate.
CrashGordon wrote:
Blackawk Down was excellent. The Aviator was very good. Di Crappio was
🍅 🍅 🍅
EDIT: The name spelling was deliberate.
I beg to differ. The only reason I bought The Aviator was for the scenes concerning aviation. I found most of those slightly disappointing - more could have been done.
For me, Leonardo DiCaprio made the film. His acting abilities shone and it's obvious that those who expected a 'Titanic - DiCaprio' would have been disappointed.
As I have never bothered to even watch the trailers of 'Titanic' (mass hype always scares me off), I was able to approach DiCaprios performance with an open mind.
Just because he seemingly can't get rid of his baby face doesn't mean he can't act. The guy has more talent than Tom Cruise will ever have.
Just goes to show that media hype is what makes up our minds for us.
OT: I read somewhere that Ava Gardner didn't like Howard Hughes "...because he smelled like a sewer."
I agree with you on Dicaprio, TH. Always thought he was a pretty good actor - very convincing in his roles, beginning with The Basketball Diaries.
imo 😎
And what about 'Catch me if you can' 😳
Sadly many great talents get assassinated if they fail to please the paparazzi and the so called 'professional critics'.
Just look at the likes of Donald Sutherland or Dustin Hoffman - two of the greatest actors alive, yet neither of them did get a decent gig for decades. Makes you wonder why.
Black Hawk Down is a great film. I was intrigued before I watched it as it won an Oscar for best editing and best sound. It was clear to see why. I always feel a bit uneasy watching a war flim because many people had to die to create a piece of entertainment.
A quote from Plato at the very beginning of the film:
"Only the dead see the end of war"
I didn't like DiCaprio in Titanic and I didn't think he did a terribly good portrayal of Howard Hughes. Perhaps, the fact that I actually remember Howard Hughes, gives me something to compare the film against.
Of course, it could be that I just don't like DiCaprio, I don't like Sean Penn, either.
Um, they didn't kill people in the filmind though?Do you mean actors faking to die or is this a real war film?
I think DiCaprio was fantastic in Catch me if you can. I think it was his finest moment.
Black Hawk Down is very good and largely accurate with some artistic license thrown in to make for better film sequences and to put certain characters in places they were not actually at.
I recommend read the book first, it is very detailed and a fantastic read - then when you watch the film you can see where they have changed things around a little.
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