Space flight in flight sim?

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

Will you be able to zctually fly into space in flight sim x I don't mean to the moon or eros but can you at least achieve orbit in fs x thanks 😀

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

No, I don't think that you will.

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

oh darn so 99,999 ft is the limit AGAIN

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

There is an add-on which probably helps...Not excactly what you are looking for but it gives us the feeling... 😉

Dont try it with a Piper though... 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

There is a reason for that. Look at some of the questions that get asked on this site. Now ask yourself if you think the people who asked them would be able to master the mathematics or physics of space travel.

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

that would be cool if you could actually simulate time slowing down such as when you move at the speed of light which einstien said was the cosmic limit time itself stops in its track which is why if you go on a rocket moving at the speed of light and come back 80 years later I would have a long gray beird and you would not have aged a sec imagine leaving flight sim on for a couple of days returning to ksp on the same day of course it is impossible to stay in earth orbit traviling at the speed of light as you would be going to fast for the gravitaional pull to come into effect

ok I will shut up now lol 😉 🙄 Read Geek


Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

I love the idea of Space flight but Flight Simulator was not designed for to simulate Space travel. X Planes has Space flight and there is a free program called Obiter that you can use to fly in Space.

The whole theory of time and Space as put forth by Einstein is very interesting to me. I wish that I understood more of his ideas. He hypothesized that the speed of light(186,000 miles per second) is the speed limit of the Universe but that if you could exceed that speed, you would go back in time. Heavy stuff, Steven Hawking may understand it but I'll need tutoring. 🙂

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

Yes we know how to go back in time but its moving forward that we are having trouble with althou I did get something like that in my pop science magizine but I am too tired to explain

response Guest

Actually, you can go into high earth orbit in the demo using the "map" feature.

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