I really am going to have to become a member of this site it really is addictive(no doubt due to the quality and friendliness of its members).
I'll take my tongue out now.Could anyone tell me please why is it i can cruise easilly in a Handley Page Victor at 31,000 at 330knts(gs 550) when any other aircraft such as 737's,777,s and 767,s struggle to reach 300/310 (gs 465) if that sometimes?
Welshflyer wrote:
I really am going to have to become a member of this site it really is addictive(no doubt due to the quality and friendliness of its members). I'll take my tongue out now.Could anyone tell me please why is it i can cruise easilly in a Handley Page Victor at 31,000 at 330knts(gs 550) when any other aircraft such as 737's,777,s and 767,s struggle to reach 300/310 (gs 465) if that sometimes?
330 KIAS at 31,000 feet is Mach .88. That's beyond the Vmo(max Mach speed) for all three of the aircraft that you list above.
To CRJCapt does this mean that GS does not equate to mph when they they say the cruise speed of an airliner is say 600mph.ps whats the weather like over there in the U.S cos its chucking it down here.
The speed of the average airliner is about 525 mph(statue miles), 500-550 depending on altitude and type. Winds aloft will effect ground speed. The flight crew may tell passengers ground speed in statute miles so that people will have a familiar unit of measure.
Aircraft and ships use nautical miles per hour(Knots) instead of statue miles(mph). This is simply a different unit of speed. Ground speed can be quoted in either unit of measure.
NM x 1.15 =SM
SM x .86 =NM
NM-Nautical mile
SM-Statute mile
PS Don't know what chucking is but here in Ohio (USA), it's mostly cloudy
temperature around 10 C. 0322Z
i dowloaded this from post about a week ago.
its a little converter tool. it does speed which helps quite a bit.
CRJCapt wrote:
PS Don't know what chucking is but here in Ohio (USA), it's mostly cloudy
temperature around 10 C. 0322Z
Common term for very heavy rain - it happens a lot in certain parts of Europe so it gets its own colloquial title 😂
Hi im anders and right now here in northern california by sacramento its 52 F. but hey it 6:30 in the morning. it will get much hotter...high 80's low 90's. sunny. im anders young signing off... 😂 weird. im bored and i do things like this when im bored. really weird things... 🙄
👍 Thanks Jon, I had no clue. I hope that your training is going well in Florida.🙂
CRJCapt wrote:
👍 Thanks Jon, I had no clue. I hope that your training is going well in Florida.🙂
Thanks - I just completed my checkride yesterday - I'll be back home tomorrow 👍
Congratulations!👏 You have always been very knowledgeable(sometimes you surprise me) about aviation but now you're a real pilot, that's great.
CRJCapt wrote:
(sometimes you surprise me)
Not sure whether thats a good thing 😂
Thank You Capt and apologies for the post hijack Welshflyer 😉
Congratulations Jon, It couldn't happen to a nice more knowledgeable member of this or any other forum!
99jolegg wrote:
CRJCapt wrote:
👍 Thanks Jon, I had no clue. I hope that your training is going well in Florida.🙂
Thanks - I just completed my checkride yesterday - I'll be back home tomorrow 👍
Congratulations my friend Jon.
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