CFS3 add-ons with FS2004

Pro Member Trainee
Dave Hatcher (Blinky) Trainee

I suppose this is a stupid quetion?? But I'll ask it anyhow! Can CFS3 add-on aircraft, be used with FS2004? There are several CFS3 warbirds, that I would love to use with my civ sim!! Like the JU-87 Stuka!!!! or is there another Stuka, feeware or payware, that will work with FS2004????

🙄 Blinky

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Blinky wrote:

Can CFS3 add-on aircraft, be used with FS2004?

No, CFS3 aircraft can only be used in CFS3.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Blinky wrote:

Like the JU-87 Stuka!!!! or is there another Stuka, feeware or payware, that will work with FS2004????

Freeware Stuka ➡

There is a payware model available at Alphasim ➡

You might find other aircraft you're interested in there. Don't forget to check out the freeware section 😉

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