when do i activate vectors

Pro Member Trainee
djcevera Trainee

could someone please lend me some knowledge.. ive been using the gps to set up for landings. however i never really get lined up with the runway could someone please let me know around when i should be activating the vectors for my approches in my gps im kinda new to all this so any help would be apprieciated. thank you

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

You can activate vectors to final when you are within 30 miles of the airport if you wish - it means you can get inline with the runway in time. Are you trying to line up using the GPS manually? If you are, then activate it when you'd like and position yourself so you are going to fly the approach straight in.

If you'd rather, you can use the Autopilot. Switch the GPS/NAV switch to GPS, and press NAV on the MCP and activate vectors to final on the GPS. The aircraft will align itself with the runway and fly dead centerline towards the runway. You will control the descent yourself.

Pro Member Trainee
djcevera Trainee

thank you for the input. i like to use the second method u mentioned so i can do this once im withing 30mi?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

djcevera wrote:

thank you for the input. i like to use the second method u mentioned so i can do this once im withing 30mi?

You can do it from 9000nm. You are activating part of a route that runs straight down the center of the ILS beam - you aren't actually picking up the ILS beam using the GPS.

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