Deploying spped brakes

Pro Member Trainee
skypilot2 Trainee

OK. I give up. How does one deploy the speed brakes on a Mooney? For that matter, how many prop planes even have speed brakes. Are we talking about prop pitch?? I know about spoilers on jets, but speed brakes on a prop airplane? Are we talking slip and full flaps?

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CRJCapt Chief Captain

skypilot2 wrote:

OK. I give up. How does one deploy the speed brakes on a Mooney? For that matter, how many prop planes even have speed brakes. Are we talking about prop pitch?? I know about spoilers on jets, but speed brakes on a prop airplane? Are we talking slip and full flaps?

To deploy the speed brakes, hit [/] on keyboard. Some high performance propeller aircraft have speed brakes but most propeller aircraft don't. The speed brakes on the Mooney consist of red metal, scissor type metal plates, 6-8 inches in height, on the topsides of both wings. They produce drag that allows the aircraft to descend at a good rate without picking up excessive airspeed. 🙂

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