Cessna 172 differences in FS2004 and X-plane

M15A Guest

Hello all!

I use FS2004 and Xplane for my flightsim needs. In my experience the Cessna 172 in FS2004 reacts in a different way than the Cessna in X-plane.

For example: In X-plane very little steering is needed to get the plane to bank to the left or right; and very little back pressure is needed to get the plane up. In FS2004 the amount of back pressure is way more and you have to push the yoke much further to bank left or right.

But they should both simulate the same plane!
Did anyone else notice these differences and which version of the Cessna 172 is the closest to the real thing? The one in FS2004 or in X-plane? What do you think?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

I wish that I could give you a definitive answer but I don't have X Planes. Some of the feel of the aircraft can be attributed to your controller and settings. I fly with the realism set to max and my personal settings for sensitivity. Also make sure you're using IAS not TAS for airspeed. I've heard that FS and X-Planes compute the flight models differently, that can also account for the differences. Which is better? I can't say without flying X-Planes. 🙂

M15A Guest

CRJCapt wrote:

I wish that I could give you a definitive answer but I don't have X Planes. Some of the feel of the aircraft can be attributed to your controller and settings. I fly with the realism set to max and my personal settings for sensitivity. Also make sure you're using IAS not TAS for airspeed. I've heard that FS and X-Planes compute the flight models differently, that can also account for the differences. Which is better? I can't say without flying X-Planes. 🙂

🙂 thanks!

I have both FS2004 and X-plane realism set to max. I have to say when you know how to fly the FS2004 Cessna you can also fly the X-plane Cessna in my experience, but the difference is the way the yoke/rudder pedals react so you will have to adjust!

But I think the X-plane version reacts very agressive compared to the FS2004 version, which is weird if they are the same plane!

Any X-plane + FS users over here?

M15A Guest

...oh, another difference is the way the ball of the bank indicator reacts. In FS the ball moves left or right very easily, while in X-plane the ball hardly moves!

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