How do I start at a gate?

Oogly50 Guest

😕 I cant' seem to start at a gate... I've looked in all settings, tried all planes, and nothing. I jsut start on the runway... but I want to taxi and do all that crap... do I need to download any software or anything?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Oogly50 wrote:

😕 I cant' seem to start at a gate... I've looked in all settings, tried all planes, and nothing. I jsut start on the runway... but I want to taxi and do all that crap... do I need to download any software or anything?

Select [Create a flight], go to [Selected location], go to [Runway/starting position], scroll down to a gate location. Very small airports may not have gates. 🙂

Pro Member First Officer
Odyssey First Officer

but I want to taxi and do all that crap

If it's crap then why worry?

M15A Guest

If you open a default flight at an airport you want, you can taxi away from the runway to a hangar or gate or wherever you want to start your flight and you can save that flight by pressing ALT and selecting SAVE FLIGHT.

This way you can save flights wherever you are, for example at gates but also in the air.

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