To all those who have difficulty with installing a/c

Pro Member Captain
Dave Copeland (davec) Captain

There is free software available from -
The title is Flight Sim Manager and is a 4+Mb download.
Included with many other functions is a very smart a/c installer which actually installs all required data into FS9 (or FS2002 if that is your platform) straight from the zip file ( no need to un-zip!!!!).
There is also an uninstall feature which has a fall back 'Hangar' in case you want the uninstalled feature replaced. Also included is a Screenshot facility - what more do you want ❓ ❓ ❓
I downloaded the Shorts Tucana from our site and tried the program out - took about 15 seconds and the Tucana was in the FS9 folder with all required elements and I flew it about 2 minutes after I downloaded.
This must be the answer to all the queries about a/c installation which radarman and tomthetank field daily. AND IT IS FREE!!!!
Compared to many other payware add-on managers this is simple to understand and easy to use - the installation feature is only a small part of this software as there are a number of other features - installation of textures, scenery, gauges,etc. Diagnostics which even highlight errors in the aircraft.cfg file. Even a tweaking element for FS.
- and most importantly - a comprehensive Program Manual and tons of support from the site forums and the author - Rana Hossian, who I think deserves a medal for his efforts
Thank you Rana
Clap Clap Clap Clap

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