My Apology

Pro Member First Officer
Nick (-Jester-) First Officer

Hello guys. I just recently read over all of my posts on this site and saw how obnoxious I was in most of my posts and in some cases disrespectful I was to a couple of guests. Embarassed Now that I have read over this and have read everyone's reply to my threads, I feel that I should say sorry for the things I have said.

So I am sorry for how I acted when I was active a while ago and I hope (even though it was in the past) I can just start off on a clean slate.

especially after my Captain Sim screen shot contest thread... Fear

-Nick 🍻

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Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

ell I've never noticed it but thanks on behalf of everyone

Cheers 🍻 Clap

Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

Karlw wrote:

ell I've never noticed it but thanks on behalf of everyone

Cheers 🍻 Clap

Welcome back and enjoy yourself! 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain


Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

Nice move Jester even though I have no clue what you are talkimg about! Anyway, 🍻 😀

Pro Member Captain
brownbox Captain

I have no clue what you are talkimg about

You wouldnt be the only one.....

Anyways, cheers

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