I have a wide screen LCD. My video card has the max potential of 1440:900. Should I set my system settings and the FSX settings to this or is there a best alternative?
Any suggestions?
Hi Mike -
Sounds like you are using a 19" LCD. If so try 1152x864.
Clear Skies
I did not like the suggested settings but thanks.
Nvidia sent me the update this weekend for 1440:900. I set the system to this and it looked smaller but much more cleaner and not stretched.
Does this mean I have HD Capability and should I be setting this in FSX as well?
what is your LCD model and resolution?
does it has DVI input?
Michaelvg1 wrote:
I have a wide screen LCD. My video card has the max potential of 1440:900. Should I set my system settings and the FSX settings to this or is there a best alternative?
Any suggestions?
try them all. it won't hurt.
It's either DVI or HDMI, can't remember.
I just wish I knew which setting to make in the Nvidia card and then in FSX.
There are just so many...
I wish someone had a chart, that addressed all the possible settings, like, "Mip map" on off and so on...
Does anyone out there have this?
Anti aliasing
Anisotropic filtering.
Thanks Radar man. You seem to be the resident pro. I hope you don't mind me asking these silly questions...
I am just trying to get my set up to run at it's max without decreasing quality.
I have the 128MB NVIDIA GeForce 7350LE in a new HP Pavilion 1.6 2 duel core Intel processors. I have managed to get between 20-30 FPS but this depends on the scenery of course. I certainly don't have everything set to high.
Someone recommended changing the settings in the onboard card, but there are so many in addtion to the ones I will research above. Do I turn everything on? What is 2x, 4x, 16x, filtering? What is the best setting.
I tried getting rid of the jagged edges in the Nvidia card software, but when I pause the image while making changes, it still there. They provide a sample while making changes.
AA 2 or 4
AF 4 or 8
Mip-map. try high or whatever it has in your cards control panel and see how that looks.
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