jet panels

Pro Member First Officer
Ryan (737FLIER) First Officer

Does anyone know of a panel that works on FSX for a jet that 3 enginese like a DC-10 or MD-11?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

You can use the default 737 panel for three holers in FSX without a problem.

Other than that, you'll have to wait or... - get a copy of fs9 😉

Last edited by Tailhook on Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total
Pro Member First Officer
Ryan (737FLIER) First Officer

Ok, I have Fs9 so I think I will use its default 737 panel.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

I hope you're not thinking of putting the fs9 737 panel into FSX. It won't work because of the gauges - that's what it's all about.

If you were able to use an fs9 737 panel in FSX -- why not an fs9 DC-10 panel or any other for that matter?

I was referring to the default FSX 737 panel in my previous post Idea

Pro Member First Officer
Ryan (737FLIER) First Officer

Ok, The 737 panel is the only one I can get from fs9 on FSX because all of the others have old gauges. The reason I would use the one from fs9 is because it is an older style and the DC-10 did not ahve alot of digital displays.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Yes, I know that many of the fs9 panels are very realistic -- BUT THEY WON'T WORK IN FSX!

Nobody has made a three holer panel for FSX yet that's why we have to improvise.

Pro Member First Officer
Ryan (737FLIER) First Officer

No, I got the Fs9 737 panel to work in FSX but I can't get any of the other panels to. The 737 is the only one with guages.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

That's interesting, I have to remember that. I still don't see why you would use the fs9 737 panel in fsx when there is already a default one available. 🤔

Pro Member First Officer
Ryan (737FLIER) First Officer

Because on the DC-10 an MD-11 they did not have the digital display like on the 737 panel found on FSX, it is more like the one found in Fs9.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Good point Idea

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