Could someone please advise me as to how to set up a touch and go using the Flight Planner (FSX) with some user defined waypoints.
Regards...Art 🙄
I usually just do T&Gs at a local airport, stay in the pattern, but.... Set up a VFR Flight plan with the airports as your waypoints. When you near the waypoint airport, using the ATC window, select nearest aiport, then find the airport you want to shoot the Touch and go, call in, it will give you landing options, one of which will be touch and go.
Thanks jellrod...sounds a bit complicated for my level of expertise. I was hoping to try an uncontrolled airstrip, so I could concentrate on landings. My problem is trying to enter a flight plan where the departure and destination are the same, and then set up a few user waypoints to help guide me. Pardon my sillyness, but I'm new to this and just want to keep it simple (for me).
Thanks regards, Art
Sorry, misunderstood you! Yes, you can fly the pattern at a single airport, practice touch and goes. You don't need to set up a flight plan for that. Pick an airstrip from the beginning screen - one you probably know that is near you in reality? The same screen where you piock you airplane, set the time and weather, pick an airport. Then just hit "Fly Now". You will be placed at that airstrip. If you arent lined up on the active, taxi to the active and take off! It's that simple. You can ignore the ATC guy screaming at you that you were not cleared for take off, or make sure you are at an uncontrolled (dirt) strip. Announce that you are going to take off, then dont bother announcing any further. Just concentrate on you touch and goes. Cessna is the easiest. No gear to worry about. Just make sure you reset your flaps to TO before you throttle up again for rotate as you roll down the runway. GOOD LUCK!
(PS - have you tried flying the Lessons in the game?)
Thanks again jellrod,
Sounds like a good plan. I'll try as you suggested, I think I'm over complicating a simple idea. Yes, I've tried the lessons, but I don't like that guy yellin' "you're too fast", or "your too slow" and not telling me what to do to correct the situation. He just ends the flight! I don't think that a real instructor would do that.
Best Regards...Art
I've been trying to fly the lessons with a keyboard (I have yet to bite the bullet and buy a joystick) and trying to pass the flight for the private pilot's certificate is next to impossile. I got told during the steep banks that I have lost concentration and the flight is over. I've got more out of just flying around to random airports.
jellrod is right - just pick a plane and an airport. When you pick an airport make sure you click on Active Runway at the bottom so that you don't have to taxi to find the airport. This is uaually the default anyway, so you shouldn't have to change anything really. Then go nuts. There is no need to involve ATC if you are flying to a quiet airport. However, I did have an AI plane fly under me as I was coming in for a landing once - that was a little unexpected.
Yea don't involve ATC(once(in fs 2004) i was using ATC on final about to land and a jet plowed through me , should of been told to go-around
Thanks for everyones help. I found a site which is extremely helpful in all flight sim matters...<>...written by Charles Wood. He's very knowledgeable and explains things so that they are easily understandable. I just wish that he would update his trainer to FSX. That would be a great help for us beginners. Check it out.
Regards...Art 😀
Well, the is a training section in FSX under LESSONS. Try them. The instructor walks ytou throught the basics of flight, get you up in the pattern and teaches you what real flight is like, from rookie to Airline Transport. And the rules are enforced during check rides. Ya wanna do it right, learn the basics. But like I've said in other postes....practice-practice-practice and then practice some more. FLying should become lie second nature, but always be alert of whats going on. The three most useless things to a pilot:
1 - the air above him,
2 - the gas still in the fuel truck
3 - the maps and charts back at the house.
Or, just hope in throttle up and go fly!
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