Fantastic looking scenery. My Aeronca K is parked waiting for drive through service. Koblez-EDRK
(dead link removed)
1. Alle vorherigen Versionen von Koblenz in der Szeneriebibliothek löschen
oder deaktivieren
2. Den Ordner Koblenz V2 in den eigenen Scenery-Ordner (z.B. Addon Scenery)
kopieren oder verschieben
3. Im Menü Szeneriebibliothek im FS9 beide Szenerien getrennt hinzufügen
Priorität ist egal
1. All previous versions of Koblenz in the scene library delete or deactivate
2. The file Koblenz V2 into the own Scenery file (e.g. Addon Scenery) copy or shift
3. In the menu scene library in the FS9 both scenes separately add priority is all the same
😕 Now how did you fly to Germany in that plane 🤔
tomthetank wrote:
😕 Now how did you fly to Germany in that plane 🤔
Slowly very slowly.
Good job!!!!!!!
I'm all over it!!!
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