b747 autopilot

Pro Member Trainee
piper_wichmon Trainee

I downloaded an Air France 747 texture for the default b747 and the autopilot button, CMD, is not being recognized as a button; I don't get the hand thing over it when I hover. I tried engaging altitude hold, and it turns on, but does nothing. Is there no AP in FSX?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

piper_wichmon wrote:

I downloaded an Air France 747 texture for the default b747 and the autopilot button, CMD, is not being recognized as a button; I don't get the hand thing over it when I hover. I tried engaging altitude hold, and it turns on, but does nothing. Is there no AP in FSX?

A texture add-on will not affect the panel. Make sure that what you've dowloaded is what you say you've downloaded; also make sure that the file is indeed for FSX.

Pro Member Trainee
piper_wichmon Trainee

but it's even on the default b747...

Pro Member First Officer
Jim (jellrod) First Officer

Maybe I don't understand what you are trying to do, but are you in Virtual Cockpit, or the other one? I've had problems trying to engage buttins in VC, but not the normal cockpit.

Pro Member Trainee
piper_wichmon Trainee

it's in both views.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

We've arrived at the stage where you'll just have to tell us what the name of your downloaded file is and where you got it from. A link to it would be even better Idea

Pro Member Trainee
piper_wichmon Trainee

i don't remember what site I downloaded it from, so I hosted the folder myself


Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

I've installed the textures you've uploaded and as I suspected there isn't a problem. Here's a screenie of the panel:

You won't be able to see the 'hand' just as you never see the (arrow) cursor on screenshots. But it does work allright.

You could always try uninstalling the air france textures and see if the problem still exists. But as I said earlier, textures do not affect panels and their functionality.

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