
me12312 Guest

Is it possible to freelook (ie, with the mouse) while in the cockpit view? I know I can push shift+numpad to look directly left, right, forward, backwards etc, but I would prefer to smoothly look around in all directions. Is this possible?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

me12312 wrote:

Is it possible to freelook (ie, with the mouse) while in the cockpit view? I know I can push shift+numpad to look directly left, right, forward, backwards etc, but I would prefer to smoothly look around in all directions. Is this possible?

You can get a "smooth look" but you have to use a joy stick with a 8 way view HAT switch. Most well equipped joy sticks have this feature. Don't think it's possible with the mouse.

DME43 Guest

me12312 wrote:

Is it possible to freelook (ie, with the mouse) while in the cockpit view? I know I can push shift+numpad to look directly left, right, forward, backwards etc, but I would prefer to smoothly look around in all directions. Is this possible?

I pan my view in the virtual cockpit with the roller on my mouse, but im not sure if you need active camera for that to work

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

me12312 wrote:

Is it possible to freelook (ie, with the mouse) while in the cockpit view? I know I can push shift+numpad to look directly left, right, forward, backwards etc, but I would prefer to smoothly look around in all directions. Is this possible?

Get F1View available here:

- This small module installs into FS2004 and supplies simple mouse-based movements, panning, and more, using the center mouse wheel/button. You can also move past the default view limits of FS2004 (good for strolling through virtual cabins). After you download, please make sure you read the full instructions included.

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