walking around the aircraft

Pro Member Trainee
ken (kennwaskiewicz) Trainee

does any one no if there is going to be a add on that u can walk around a aircraft for fsx?

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pogoclown Guest

ROFL OMG is this a joke??? whats the spot view for then?????? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL ROFL

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Pro Member Trainee
ken (kennwaskiewicz) Trainee

4 fsx

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

kennwaskiewicz wrote:

4 fsx

Sorry, I was under the impression that it worked. It doesn't.


Pro Member Trainee
ken (kennwaskiewicz) Trainee

ya i found that out well if u do find something or when u can fly people in fsx tell me


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for it to work, you need that centre wheel on your mouse. It is a bit frustrating, and takes a bit of tim to get used to it, but now I can walk around in my meljet cabins!! 😀

nojoke??? Guest

😳 so this wasn't a joke after all, why didn't ya say walk around INSIDE THE CABIN, well it was kinda funny anyways 😀

Pro Member Trainee
ken (kennwaskiewicz) Trainee

thanks i found another way ctrl+shift ctrl+backspace and shift enter play around wit those u can go side ways front back its sweet

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