ILS into Adelaide

extricate677 Guest


Im flying ILS into Adelaide, this is the chart where i got it from , how can i know how many feet i must descend in order to intercept the ILS cone? i know that i need to insert 109.7 for runway 23.

Another question is because im using the default flight planner in FS to create the plan, i need to locate the ILS cone to link my path. How can i know from the website which ILS cone is it actually referring to?


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Air-Head Guest

Hi again 🙂

When you create it in flightplanner, that map actually appears if you select the button on the bottom right. I think its called "calculate route".

Its where you'd add the height information etc, if your planning an IFR flight etc...

Well if you navigate the map over to the destination airport you will see all relevant data. I think the intercept height for the ILS is always around 1500 to 2500 feet. But keep in mind the airport height first when working it out.....

by the way, the more you zoom in, the more details appear, such as VOR's etc etc. Also if you click on the airport it will give you all the details you will need, including ILS frequencys for the various runways that have it.....

Hope that helps a little.

extricate676 Guest


sorry but how do i go about intercepting the ILS. When i did it the first time, after i passed by last VOR, i head towards what its called an INTERSECTION(decrease my altitude to 3500ft and set all the neccesaary freqs).

For this, do i do the same? after i passed my last VOR, then i setoff to the intersection and it will automatically intercept and land itself?

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

extricate676 wrote:


sorry but how do i go about intercepting the ILS. When i did it the first time, after i passed by last VOR, i head towards what its called an INTERSECTION(decrease my altitude to 3500ft and set all the neccesaary freqs).

For this, do i do the same? after i passed my last VOR, then i setoff to the intersection and it will automatically intercept and land itself?

Read this:

Air-head Guest

Thanks Vegasflyer, I couldnt remember the link, and I was getting all tied up in Knots (get it? 😂 ) trying to explain it....

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Read through that link and bare in mind that every ILS is different in the real world - it need not be so difficult in the sim. You can follow those steps for all ILS approaches in the sim.

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