strange problem with ILS

Pro Member First Officer
to_coolguys First Officer

Hi All,

I have been on a flight last night from Chennai (India) to Singapore(WSSS).
I have had strange problems with the ILS out there.I had tuned in the appropriate frequency in the nav1 radio and set my course properly.Once the default ATC gave me vectors,i guess 30 degrees to the ILS ,I was at 20 miles away from the aiport.At this point in time the ILS diamonds should have been displayed on my attitude indictor.I was at 2500 ft altitude.But to my surprise the ILS wasnt getting activated > I was flying the PMDG 737-700 NG..This was theproblem even when i was fying above the runway.No ILS signals...
I had all the failures turned to Off.Any idea as to why it happened.

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Pro Member First Officer
cheechm First Officer

Did you turn Nav1 on? 😂

If the scenery is addon then there will be a problem with that.

Pro Member First Officer
to_coolguys First Officer


yeah Nav1 is always on .Till now i didn't need to do it explicitly for the PMDG 737..I do not have any add scenery...

Pro Member First Officer
cheechm First Officer

Is this the 1st time? Try it in a different aircraft.Maybe a glitch in Flight Sim unless it has worked before. Has it?

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

I just tried the ILS at WSSS and I believe the frequencies/signals are just incorrect. Some of the ILS frequencies in FS are for runways with only a Localizer, some are just wrong. 🙂

Pro Member First Officer
to_coolguys First Officer

hi CRJ,

Thanx a lot..I didn't expect anyone to be going at great lengths to check this.But yeah I must say I am very much impressed.
I have never found a forum where people do go to great lengths to do this.I believe this is true passion....
Unfortunately i had to abort that flight after flying after 5 I am used to landings with autopilot...Was expecting to rake some moolah from FSP for the flight....But....Thanx for your findings....Any idea of how to correct those??

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Changing the ILS setup/layout involves editing the program with AFCD(I think) and is beyond my level of computer expertise. Just goes to show that pilots must have an alternate airport should the primary suffer an equipment outage or if weather goes below landing minimums. 🙂

ConcordeOne Guest

Talking of landing minimums does anyone know what airports in FS have catagory IIIA, B and ideally C facilities or how I can find out?

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

ConcordeOne wrote:

Talking of landing minimums does anyone know what airports in FS have catagory IIIA, B and ideally C facilities or how I can find out?

The different ILS categories can only be determined by a instrument approach chart. The main difference is regulatory being that the signal is held to tighter tolerances than CAT I. Surrounding terrain and obstructions also play a part. CAT III runways have to have DME as part of the localizer. All the ILS systems in FS should be the same, you won't be able to tell the difference in flight or in the airport data.. 🙂

Pro Member First Officer
to_coolguys First Officer

hey CRJ,

Yeah I agree with you regarding the alternate airport.Thanks for reminding this weak link of mine...Nex time I plan a flight i definitely will plan for an alternate....

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