I have the standard version but see a grumman goose and a maule aircraft which are not in my aircraft menu but are in my simobjects aircraft folder is there any way I can get these aircraft to be selectable with the vc and all and is it legal or is this only allowed to be flown in the deluxe version
Thanks very much help is greatly appreciated
I don't know what's in the folders but I doubt that you will be able to fix it and fly it.
there is a goose down load somewhere. i have seen it. you better do a search.
😂 are you sure theres a plane in the goose and maule folder,?
its probaly AI aircraft, get airedit , flightsim. file name i think is "aired.zip"
unzip to a folder you make in your documents, and run the exe and open the aircrafts .AIR file(make sure you back up,make copy of the .air file)
and were you see (105)aircraft type=2 . klick on it and a lil window pops up with 2 in it, replace with 0 , (zero for flyable, 1 for helicopter, 2 for nonflyable) press "enter on your keyboard to enter the new value, save like ya do with notepad. exit aired. and fire up FS and you should see your aircraft!!
you may have to alias a panel for it and some sound 😂
can i copy a plane from a deluxe version and paste it into the standard version? would it work ?
don't see why not!
did that with the fs2002pro version into fs2002 regular. but, ya hadto reedit the gps and sometimes the radio stack in panel.cfg!
i don't know what the diff. is between fsx standard and deluxe!
and you had get the gauges for the aircrat too ! 😂
The planes that are included with Deluxe, and not Standard, are available for download either here, or avsim.com - The planes like the Maule, Goose, etc in your simobjects/airplanes folder, are for AI use only.
In FSX, aircraft without a PANEL folder become AI-only. Try moving the panel out of one of the flyable planes (to a safe place of course) and see what happens.
Simply find a substitute panel, add the necessary folder inside the aircraft's main folder, and it will appear on the aircraft selection menu. You will also be able to fly it.
I didn't know that about FSX! sure different from previus releases.
but how does it make the aircraft a AI craft?????
don't you have to add it to to your flight plans or traffic.bgl aircrafts txt????
i also have standard version.
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