Navigation Lights problem on 747-400

744simpilot Guest

I don't know why my 744 without navightion lights(the button was "ON")
taxi light too.
it's very dangerous at night time !

my aircraft file's problem??

The aircraft lights file is :

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.1 = 3, -223.85, 0.00, 8.85, fx_navwhih ,
light.2 = 2, -228.97, 0.00, 44.62, fx_strobeh ,
light.3 = 1, -45.05, 0.00, 15.65, fx_beaconh ,
light.4 = 1, -80.22, 0.00, -11.05, fx_beaconb ,
light.5 = 4, -18.24, 0.00, 11.19, fx_vclighth,

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Same thing happens to me. Probably a bug which will hopefully be fixed soon.

744simpilot Guest

Anonymous wrote:

Same thing happens to me. Probably a bug which will hopefully be fixed soon.

Thanks for your reply, i think the service pack 2 will fixed the problem.

Pro Member First Officer
Jim (jellrod) First Officer

In the mean tme, use "L" on the keyboard to turn ALL the lights on,then deselect those you dont wantr from the cockpit

744simpilot Guest

jellrod wrote:

In the mean tme, use "L" on the keyboard to turn ALL the lights on,then deselect those you dont wantr from the cockpit

yes , i knew that, but the nav and taxi lights still off 😞
thanks! 😉

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